Teaching Large Courses with Recitations

Dec 2010

When faculty are teaching large lecture courses with recitations, they are required to teach two lectures, supervise the TA (including the TA’s teaching and grading), and conduct at least one classroom visitation with their TA(s)*.

In the Russian and Scandinavian Programs, faculty supervising TAs are required “to grade a number of papers/exams equivalent to one of the courses' recitations," according to a policy the Executive Committee adopted in 2010. In the German Program and in GSLL courses staffed by German MA and PhD students, the faculty member is required to grade a third of each assignment. 

GSLL faculty may choose to teach a recitation as a means of training the TAs, but this will not be compensated with any monetary reward or extra points on peer evaluations. (**The exception follows)

* Added in January 2012:  Faculty supervising TAs should conduct at least one classroom visitation with their TA(s) and write up a short classroom visitation report. Faculty should discuss the evaluation with the TA, and give a copy of the classroom evaluation to the TA, and a copy to the Program Assistant (for the department files).

** See Honors Teaching policy