Marketplace Request Form

Instructions for filling out online Marketplace Request form

You will need speedtype to complete form, check with Karen if you are unsure as to which speedtype to use.

If vendor is international or amount is over $500, you can pay vendor with a wire transfer.  Vendor will need to fill out wire payment request form, which will need to be submitted with the Marketplace Request form.

  • Select GSLL’s FSC tech:  Nina Craciun
  • Dept. Abbreviation/Org. # EBIO through LING (choose GSLL)
  • Select "Payment Voucher"
  • upload approved SOW (Scope of Work) form and invoice.  (Once SOW is approved, you should receive an email from "" with the approved form.)  If service provider is working under their EIN (business/company), the SOW shouldn't be required.
  • Vendor ID (Karen can look this up. If Karen isn't available write "??. Vendor has registered in CU Marketplace"
  • Business Purpose:  (give details on work that was done, etc.  If this was for your research, mention research. If for a student evet, mention that.)