Crawford book cover

Nordic Instructor Publishes New Translation of Viking Sagas

Oct. 26, 2017

Hackett Publishing Company has published its second book by Jackson Crawford. The Saga of the Volsungs, with The Saga of Ragnar Lothbrok continues the project Crawford began in 2015 with the publication of his bestselling translation of The Poetic Edda, which renders the most important source of the myths of...

Porter book cover

Jillian Porter's New Book

Aug. 24, 2017

Economies of Feeling: Russian Literature under Nicholas I (Northwestern UP, 2017) Economies of Feeling offers new explanations for the fantastical plots of mad or blocked ambition that set the nineteenth-century Russian prose tradition in motion. Jillian Porter compares the conceptual history of social ambition in post-Napoleonic France and post-Decembrist Russia...