Faculty Travel
Outside Internet Airfare Bookings - allowed only in situations listed below
- The fare is not available for purchase through the University Travel Program Concur/ CBT (PSC pre-approval required)
- Or, there is significant demonstrated cost savings to the university (no PSC pre-approval required)
- Significant costs savings are defined as domestic flights that are at least $50 less, and international flights that are at least $200 less than the exact fare when purchased through the University Travel Program. (you will need to submit a quote with same dates/times, etc. from Concur/CBT when you request reimbursement for an ouside internet airfare booking).
CU Procurement Center Travel Information
International Travel Information
- Seek approval to travel from the department chair (via email). Include dates of travel, reason for travel (name of conference, etc.) and 1-2 sentences explaining how travel relates to the academic mission of the university. Approval for international travel is now required prior to booking the trip. Click here for instructions on requesting approval through Concur.
- Conference registration fees can be paid with A-Card.
- Booking airfare
- Lodging and ground transportation can be paid with CU Corporate Liability Travel Card (if traveler does not have a corporate liability travel card, these expenses can be paid directly by traveler and submitted for reimbursement after the trip).
- Meals and incidentals should be paid for directly by traveler and can be reimbursed after travel (no receipts needed).
- Cash Advance for Travel
- DIA Parking
- Per Diem Rates
- Currency Converter
- When you return, submit the Travel Reimbursement form.