Entering Time in MyLeave

Log into MyCUInfo

Click on “CU Resources” tab

Click on “My Leave” icon

Select correct job number (top left).  ___(name)_____________ = Job # ____________THIS STEP IS VERY IMPORTANT!

Make sure you are on the "calendar-month" tab (top left)

Double click on the day you worked

Enter time in and out (military time)

Uncheck box “includes lunch”

Make sure hours and supervisor are correct (supervisor should be Karen Hawley)

Event Name:  Student Hourly

Mark as worked


Do for every shift you work in pay period

At the end of every pay period, you will need to submit your timesheet

Click on “Timesheet” tab (top of page)

Select Job # (_______________ = Job #____________)

Confirm hours are correct

Check box at bottom of page


Email your supervisor reminding them to submit your timesheet (if someone else submits your timesheet, also cc them on your reminder).

You should receive a confirmation email once your timesheet has been submitted (let your supervisor know if you don’t receive a confirmation email).