I am an Assistant Professor of Marketing in the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado Boulder.
I received my PhD in Marketing from New York University Stern School of Business in 2018. I spent five wonderful years at Stern, working with my advisors Daria Dzyabura and Yuxin Chen. My thesis committee members are Alix Barasch, Foster Provost, and Russ Winer.
Prior to that, I was a computer scientist. I obtained my bachelor's degree in computer science from Tsinghua University and my master's degree from the Language Technologies Insitute of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. I was fortunate to start doing research very early on in undergrad with Jie Tang, who introduced me to the fun world of research that I fell in love with. I worked on topic modeling for academic social network analysis and mining in project AMiner.org. During my master's at CMU, I worked with Jack Mostow in Project Listen, applying natural language processing in tutoring systems to help children learn vocabulary. I also worked at Google Pittsburgh for three years as a Software Engineer, developing large-scale machine learning models to predict consumers' ad click-through rates for the AdSense system.
My training in both marketing and computer science, along with my experience in academia and industry, has shaped my research interests and methodologies. Generally speaking, I am interested in applying, developing and improving machine learning techniques to solve complex problems in consumer behavior and decision-making across areas such as visual marketing, recommendation systems, branding, and product design. In particular, my research focuses on the elicitation, measurement, and prediction of consumer preferences and choices.