
1. Ensemble Control and Estimation Theory:
X. Chen, Controllability Issues of Linear Ensemble Systems over Multi-dimensional Parameterization Spaces.
2. Graphons and Random Graph Theory:
M.-A. Belabbas and X. Chen, Geometric Characterization of the H-property for Step-graphons.
M.-A. Belabbas, X. Chen, and T. Basar, On the H-property for step-graphons and edge polytopes.
3. Spacecraft Guidance:
E. Jenson, D. Scheeres, and X. Chen, Robust Spacecraft Guidance with Control-Dependent Noise: Analysis and Application.
E. Jenson, X. Chen, and D. Scheeres, Optimal Spacecraft Guidance with Asynchronous Measurements and Noisy Impulsive Controls.
T. Dearing, J. Hauser, X. Chen, M. Nicotra, and C. Petersen, Efficient Trajectory Optimization for Constrained Spacecraft Attitude Maneuvers.
4. Network Analysis:
M.-A. Belabbas, X. Chen, and D. Zelazo, On Structural Rank and Resilience of Sparsity Patterns.
M.-A. Belabbas and X. Chen, On Integer Balancing of Directed Graphs.
5. Decentralized Control and Distributed Computation:
X. Chen, M.-A. Belabbas, and J. Liu, Gossip over Holonomic Graphs.
M. Javed, J. Poveda, and X. Chen, Scalable Resetting Algorithms for Synchronization of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators over Rooted Directed Graphs.
M. Sinner, X. Chen, and L. Pao, Controllability of Formation Systems on Special Orthogonal Groups over Directed Graphs.
Z. Gao, X. Chen, and T. Basar, Controllability of Conjunctive Boolean Networks with Application to Gene Regulation.
6. Miscellaneous:
X. Chen and B. Gharesifard, Distinguished Sets of Semi-simple Lie Algebras.
If you would like to learn about Ph.D. or post-doc positions, please contact Dr. Chen with your CV attached.