
Xudong Chen
Dr. Chen is an Associate Professor in the ECEE Department, CU Boulder. His research interests are in control theory, stochastic processes, optimization, graph theory, and their applications in modeling, analysis, control, and estimation of complex systems. Dr. Chen is the recipient of the 2021 Donald P. Eckman Award, a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, and an awardee of the AFOSR Young Investigator Program. A few research projects and relevant publications are provided below. For a full list of research work, please see the page of publications.

1. Ensemble Control and Estimation Theory
2. Graphons and Random Graph Theory:
 M.-A. Belabbas, X. Chen, and T. Basar, On the H-property for step-graphons and edge polytopes.
3. Spacecraft Guidance:
 T. Dearing, J. Hauser, X. Chen, M. Nicotra, and C. Petersen, Efficient Trajectory Optimization for Constrained Spacecraft Attitude Maneuvers.
4. Network Analysis: 
 M.-A. Belabbas, X. Chen, and D. Zelazo, On Structural Rank and Resilience of Sparsity Patterns.
 M.-A. Belabbas and X. ChenOn Integer Balancing of Directed Graphs.
5. Decentralized Control and Distributed Computation:
 X. Chen, M.-A. Belabbas, and J. Liu, Gossip over Holonomic Graphs.
6. Miscellaneous: 
 X. Chen and B. Gharesifard, Distinguished Sets of Semi-simple Lie Algebras.


If you would like to learn about Ph.D. or post-doc positions, please contact Dr. Chen with your CV attached.