Born and raised in Denver, Blanca's organizing career began when she was a sophomore at Denver West High School. She identifies as a first-generation, Latinx, first-year doctoral student raised in a single-parent household and the proud daughter of immigrants. She brings +13 years of Community and Youth Organizing training experience with Together Colorado, United We DREAM, and the PICO National Network. Blanca is the co-founder of a local Colorado non-profit called INSPiRE, whose mission is to ignite, train, and invest in youth to become Change Agents in their schools, families and communities. She has been the Co-Chair (2014, 2015, 2017) of and the Founding President of the Board of Directors for Keeping the DREAM Alive; an emerging 501(c)3 organization that seeks to to provide access to accurate information and available resources to support undocumented/DACAmented/ DREAMer students’ transition to, and success in, post-secondary educational institutions across Colorado.