Abstract Submission
Abstract Submission is now closed!
Please use the link and templates below to submit a 2- to 3-page abstract (including a figure) in PDF format for review by the committee, identifying your preference as either presentation or poster in the available tracks. Limit of two abstracts per first author. Abstracts were due by 11:59 p.m. PT on May 21, 2023. For any questions related to abstract submission, contact Kelsey Shaler (kelsey.shaler@shell.com) or Michelle Williams (mwilli9@sandia.gov).
IMPORTANT: The NAWEA/WindTech 2023 Conference does NOT require a full paper!
The journal Wind Energy will host a special issue on the NAWEA/WindTech 2023 Conference. Authors selected for a presentation will have the opportunity to submit a full paper for this special issue. Authors interested in publishing in the special issue will be required to submit a full paper before the conference. Final publication will be subject to the full journal review process. Authors will be responsible for the publication fees. Submission to Wind Energy is entirely optional.
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