Ilias Hosain
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By: Ilias Hosain
Media Production
"These images are part of my journey as continue to learn Cinema 4d. The images were created using cinema 4d, redshift, quixel, jsDiplacement, Photoshop and Lightroom. This is a two-photo series titled "Enter The Abyss" and "Abyss". I wanted to explore the idea of a portal to nowhere. I wanted to build an image in the viewer’s mind of what lies on the other side and then promptly revealing it leaving the viewer slightly disappointed because they expected too much. The series is an exploration of expectations.
This series of images was made for a project in my Video Game technology class. The assignment was to recreate a game environment. I chose this scene from Destiny 2 because I really enjoy the simplistic lighting and dramatic feel. The floating objects create a really mystical feeling that I really enjoy. Overall I am really proud of the final piece as it does a good job of demonstrating the skills I have been learning within cinema 4d.
2021 Showcase Selection