Open Records Act Requests
Please include as much information as possible when submitting your CORA request. The more detail you are able to provide, the more efficiently we’ll be able to respond to your request. For general questions about the CORA process, please reference the system policy on CORA requests. If you are experiencing difficulty completing the CORA form, contact for guidance.
Please note that CORA provides one free hour of work. Any time beyond this is charged at the rate of $33.58/hour, and in such cases an estimate will be provided and a deposit required before work proceeds. All time will be logged, and any surplus amount will be refunded. If time beyond what is estimated is required, that time will be charged at the rate noted above, and final payment will be required before records are produced. The University does not waive fees, and all requestors, regardless of affiliation or intended use of information, are charged at the standard rate.
If seeking email records, please include the specific accounts to search, the specific date range to search, and the specific Boolean search terms. If any one of these fields is missing, we are unable to perform a server query. For more expansive email searches, a research deposit may be required to set up and perform a query. In such cases time will be charged at the standard CORA rate of $33.58/hour.