Funding Dates and Deadlines
Review our funding checklist!
Applying for Funding? Read our Bylaws!!
September & October Events (2024)
Submission in BuffConnect Deadline Monday, July 8 by 5pm
November & December Events (2024)
Submission in BuffConnect Deadline Monday, September 9 by 5pm
January & February Events (2025)
Submission in BuffConnect Deadline Monday, October 7 by 5pm
March Events (2025)
Submission in BuffConnect Deadline Monday, November 4 by 5pm
April Events (2025)
Submission in BuffConnect Deadline Monday, January 20, 2025 by 5pm
The Center for Student Involvement (CSI) MUST review and approve ALL event budgets BEFORE they are submitted to the Cultural Events Board (CEB). The “CSI Budget Review Deadline” is a mandatory budget review deadline and organizations must submit their event budget through BuffConnect by this date. CSI staff liaisons will review the budget and work with the organization if there is any follow-up needed before the 1st Reading.
Event space must be confirmed before budgets can be approved.