Recent Documentary Work on Nature/Culture in the Labor of Science and Conservation

Monday, November 5th, 12-1pm, ATLAS 311


Assistant Professor of Critical Media Practices

In this luncheon series, Stephanie Spray will talk about ongoing work on two films in-progress, Edge of Time, which she shot aboard a scientific drilling ship for ten weeks in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and a new film in development, Patagonia Park. In both works, Stephanie is interested in how the nature/culture divide is preserved or challenged by the labor of individuals doing hands on work in service of either science or conservation. She will screen clips from both works in progress. 

Stephanie Spray is a nonfiction filmmaker, anthropologist, and Assistant Professor of Critical Media Practices at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her work conjugates ethnographic methodologies with a critical nonfiction media practice, for cinema and art exhibition contexts. Her films have screened at Locarno, New York, Art of the Real, TIFF, CPH:DOX, Viennale, RIDM, AFI, Rotterdam, Open City Docs, BAFICI, and Anthology Film Archives, among others, and museums such as MoMA, the Whitney, the National Gallery, and Louisiana MoMA. The last film in her Nepal series, Manakamana, is in the permanent collection of MoMA New York and won numerous awards, including a Golden Leopard at Locarno.