Our Opportunities
We strive to provide as many opportunities as possible for students to develop personally, creatively, academically and professionally.
There are two ways to develop leadership and professional skills within UEP as a Daniels Scholar. The first is as a Daniels Scholar Ambassador, for which the Daniels Fund provides training and support. The other is as a UEP Office Assistant . Ambassadors have some flexibility in how they support the scholars at CU. They serve as a liaison between the Daniels Fund and the students, and the students and UEP. Office Assistants have a more structured work environment and are student employees who perform tasks crucial to UEP’s functioning, including event planning, updating social media and communications, and more. They are hired, supervised and evaluated by the UEP Office Manager. They gain office skills, learn what it means to work in a higher education context, and work in collaboration with the Office Manager and Director of UEP.
Daniels Scholars are eligible to take Norlin Scholars courses including NRLN 2000, Constructions of Knowledge and NRLN 3500, Construction of Knowledge in the Fields on a space-available basis.
The University of Colorado Law School has an agreement with Undergraduate Enrichment Programs (UEP) to provide law school networking events. To encourage and aid in the application process for Daniels Scholars, the Law School will do the following:
- Provide an application fee waiver to each interested applicant, for a $65 savings. Applicants should contact the admissions office at lawadmin@colorado.edu to request a fee waiver prior to submitting their application.
- Guarantee automatic admission for any scholar applicant with at least a score of 164 on the LSAT and a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5. An automatic two-year deferral is available for anyone who is admitted to the Law School and then participates in either the Peace Corps or Teach for America.
- Offer a special information session for scholars at the Law School to introduce these students to our community and give them the opportunity to talk with Law School faculty, students, and administrators.
- Invite interested scholars to attend special events at the Law School throughout the school year, including special speakers and conferences.
The JD application is available at lsac.org beginning October 1 of each year. Please contact Kristine Jackson, Senior Assistant Dean of Enrollment Management, for any questions at kristine.jackson@colorado.edu or 303-492-7085.
What UEP scholars say about our opportunities:
"The UEP's unique emphasis on mindfulness and self-reflection have truly affected my mental health and overall well-being in such a positive way . . ."
"I often partake in gratitude [journaling], poetry, and silent activities such as solving jigsaw puzzles. I never used to do that before starting this program."