The Flathead Lake Biological Station Online Information Session March 26th
The Flathead Lake Biological Station is hosting an Online Information Session for students to learn about course offerings and logistics for Summer Session 2024. Join us Tuesday March 26th at 5 p.m. Mountain Time on Zoom where FLBS Summer Session Program Manager Hannah Gerhard will give a brief summary of course offerings, deadlines, and fees and be available to answer questions. Attendants must pre-register at the following link to join:
For eight weeks every summer, the Flathead Lake Biological Station host condensed, experiential college courses. All classes take trips across the Flathead Valley to learn scientific processes and instrumentation. We accept undergraduate and graduate level students. Grades are easy to transfer and count toward upper division requirements and electives. Summer students and faculty live in cabins along the lake shoreline for the duration of their course(s).
Flathead Lake Biological Station is one of the oldest active biological field research stations in the United States. It was established near Bigfork, MT in 1899 by its first director, Dr. Morton J. Elrod. It was moved to Yellow Bay in 1908. Since opening in 1899, students from around the country and all over the world have come to the station to learn firsthand about biology, limnology, and ecology labs and specialized research projects. This year marks our 125th Anniversary!
Applications for Summer Session 2024 are now open and the scholarship deadline of March 29th is quickly approaching. If you are interested in learning more in the meantime, our website has course schedule, syllabi, and the 2024 application.