Sign up for MCDB 4520 Bioinformatics & Genomics
Want to learn more about how genomic sequencing is revolutionizing research and healthcare? The MCDB 4520 Bioinformatics & Genomics course will cover topics from the Human Genome Project 20 years ago, to genomic surveillance of COVID19, and the future of genomic medicine and gene editing.
MCDB 4520 Bioinformatics & Genomics. Fulfills a CBIO ‘Data & Structure’ course requirement.
Fall 2021 TTh 1:00-2:15pm
JSCBB A104 (east Campus), will be taught IN PERSON
You will learn:
- How genomic sequencing technologies work (Illumina, Nanopore)
- Basic theory underlying major bioinformatics algorithms (alignment, assembly, hidden markov models)
- How large genomic datasets are analyzed
- Research and clinical applications (evolutionary and functional genomics, genome editing)
The course involves lectures, reading and discussion of primary literature, problem sets, and group assignments. This class has no programming requirements (hands-on bioinformatics courses include BCHM5631, DnA Short Read Summer Workshop).
Categories: Announcement