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Memorial Work Out of the Day (WOD) for CDT Trevor Folken, April 2023

Army ROTC paid tribute to the memory of Cadet Trevor A. Folken, Bravo Company Cadet House, Colorado School of Mines, Golden – April 7, 2023

Memorial Work Out of the Day (WOD) to honor the memory of Cadet Trevor A. Folken, 7/9/2001 – 4/7/2022. Photo courtesy of CPT Austin Wesley

Memorial Work Out of the Day (WOD) to honor the memory of Cadet Trevor A. Folken, 7/9/2001 – 4/7/2022. Photo courtesy of CPT Austin Wesley.

Cadet Trevor A. Folken was a junior studying Mechanical Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. Trevor was a selfless, kind, and motivated young man. He enjoyed working in the school foundry in his free time making castings. Trevor also liked to smoke meat and grill food for his friends while they studied or prepared for ROTC training events. He loved ROTC and was hoping to become an Active Duty Engineer.

Cadet Cattan, one of Trevor’s close friends, planned the workout for the day. Trevor’s parents joined Bravo Company at the Colorado School of Mines to honor his memory with a memorial workout on the anniversary of his death. President Johnson and Dean of Students Dr. Morgan from MINES and Battalion leadership, PMS LTC Bryce Kawaguchi and SMSI MSG Thaj Davis also attended and participated in the workout.

Bravo company will never forget Trevor and the lives he touched.

Cadets, Cadre and guests conducting the Memorial WOD at the BCO ROTC House in Golden. Photo courtesy of CPT Austin Wesley.

Cadets, Cadre and guests conducting the Memorial WOD at the BCO ROTC House in Golden. Photo courtesy of CPT Austin Wesley.