Bruce Kirkpatrick

  • Graduate Student

As I will be returning to medical school in Q3 2025, I am no longer taking on new undergraduate mentees. If you’re an undergraduate interested in learning more about the MD-PhD program, feel free to email me — I’m happy to chat.

Curriculum Vitae

Research Interests

My thesis work is generally focused on developing and characterizing photoresponsive hydrogels for various applications as biomaterials. I have very diverse interests and worked in several research groups as an undergraduate before pursuing MD-PhD training. I collaborate broadly in our lab and beyond, working on the following topics:

  • Designing, synthesizing, and applying novel materials (hydrogels, elastomers, liquid crystalline networks, etc.)
  • Stem cell biology (mechanotransduction, "bioelectricity," metabolism)
  • Advanced imaging modalities (optical diffusion measurements, label-free and lifetime-based imaging methods)
  • Advanced data analysis in MATLAB, python, and R