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Check out three new papers from the group!

S. Tang, B.M. Richardson, and K.S.Anseth, "Dynamic covalent hydrogels as biomaterials to mimic the viscoelasticity of soft tissues," Progress in Materials Science (

J.C. Grim, B.A. Aguado, B.J. Vogt, D. Batan, C.L. Andrichik, M.E. Schroeder, A. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, F.M. Yavitt, R.M. Weiss, K.S. Anseth, "Secreted Factors From Proinflammatory Macrophages Promote an Osteoblast-Like Phenotype in Valvular Interstitial Cells," Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (

T.L. Ceccato, R.B. Starbuck, J.K. Hall, C.J. Walker, T.E. Brown, J.P. Killgore, K.S. Anseth, and L.A. Leinwand, "Defining the Cardiac Fibroblast Secretome in a Fibrotic Microenvironment," Journal of the American Heart Association (