This online data science specialization is designed for anyone interested in learning how to program in R. You will learn the basics of R, including imputing data, performing basic analysis, graphing, data types, control structures, and functions in R. Most courses within the specialization use the tidyverse packages in R and the RStudio IDE. This specialization is also an excellent primer for learners preparing to complete CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Data Science program.

By completing this specialization, you will be able to:

  • Write functions in R
  • Analyze and visualize a data set
  • Use RMarkdown to share documents in reports with the global R community
  • Identify and describe tidy data and transform a non-tidy data set to be tidy in R


  • Introduction to R Programming & Tidyverse
  • Data Analysis with Tidyverse
  • R Programming and Tidyverse Capstone Project

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