Site Team Visit Feb. 22-24, 2010

Expectations for UCB participants – Background on meeting purpose and format; expectations for UCB participants in meetings. Also lists the names and roles of UCB criterion hosts, criterion staff, student scouts, and logistics team. [updated Thursday Feb. 18.]

List of meetings with topics – Concise list of meetings by criterion and component, with meeting number, title, description, relevant Self-Study page numbers, place and time. [FINAL, 2/24/2010]

Master schedule – The daily schedule, organized by criterion and time of day; shows meeting number, place, and time. The schedule does not show meeting title, description, or self-study pages – please refer to the list of meetings for these. [FINAL, 2/24/2010]

Meeting Room Directions – How to get to the rooms where meetings will be held. [new Thursday Feb. 18.]

Lists of CU-Boulder participants in meetings – List of confirmed participants, one meeting per page; also includes meeting number, title, description, criteria and component, day and time, and location. Participant lists do not list relevant self-study pages – see list of meetings for these. [FINAL, 2/24/2010]

Map of CU-Boulder accreditation site visit headquarters – A schematic diagram of the ATLAS Building 2nd Floor where the site team and the UCB logistic team will be housed. [updated Tuesday Feb. 16.]