Published: April 12, 2013

By the University of Colorado Student Government

The University of Colorado Student Government is pleased to announce the preliminary results of the spring 2013 elections for your student government. Turnout for this spring's election was 25 percent, the third highest CUSG election turnout in the last 10 years.

It was an extremely close election: The new executives, Chris Schaefbauer, Ellie Roberts and Marco Dorado from Unite, won preliminary election by 22 votes. Three Inspire candidates — Ashley Prince, David Bretl and Brianna Majewski — won CUSG representative-at-large seats, along with Juedon Kebede of Unite.

Daniel Hansen will be the new University of Colorado Engineering Council (UCEC) president. Jon Fearer and Benjamin Zatz were elected senators, and will share a seat on CUSG Legislative Council. Inspire had almost a complete sweep of the nine open UCEC representative-at-large seats. The winning Inspire candidates were Kent Cohen, Brian Kelly, Jaevyn Faulk, Lindsey Buxman, Tyler Tafoya, Hoang Dinh, Jake Sorensen and Connor Strait, along with Ryan Abraham of Unite. UCEC is the students’ voice to engineering administration and academic departments.

The Arts and Sciences Student Government (ASSG) will have two new co-executives, Tony Veiller and Chelsea Canada of Unite, who also will share a seat on CUSG Legislative Council. ASSG will have five new Unite representatives: Colin Wichman, Troy Murphy, Katie Raitz, Rachel Leonard and Bethlehem Feleke. ASSG allocates funds to student groups and represents students in the College of Arts and Sciences.

A referendum question supporting divestment of university funds from the fossil fuels industry passed with 65 percent of the vote.

Thank you to all the candidates for your hard work during this election. CUSG would also like to thank all the campus staff and faculty who announced the elections in their classrooms and made accommodations for voters and candidates.

If there are no infractions/complaints filed by Tuesday, April 16, at 5 p.m., the results will be final. For more information visit our election timeline website. For more information about the elections in general, visit the CUSG elections website.