Published: March 7, 2013

By Sarah Tamura, Community Health student coordinator

As a student coordinator at Community Health, I’m really excited for our “One Little Change” campaign this semester.

Community Health and other community partners are hoping to help provide support to anyone who wants to make one little change in their life, whatever that change may be.

Research shows that stating an intention to make a change, making a specific plan, and having community support all help people make a change.

I personally am looking forward to learning more about nutrition and the changes that I can make to eat more colorful foods. I've also been able to speak with many people on campus about "One Little Change" and people have told us about all kinds of changes they are hoping to make. It's inspiring!

So on Monday March 11, from 5-7 p.m. in UMC room 235 we will be hosting our "One Little Change" event. Stop by and get food, take your picture, write a letter to your future self about the changes you want to make in your life, and speak with several community resources.