Vice President - Parker Ackerknecht email:
Hello, my name is Parker Ackerknecht. I am currently a student in electrical engineering. I got into electrical engineering through some of the classes I took in high school and was intrigued by the possibilities that this major can offer. I, along with my wonderful board, are working on making this club be more active and involved with activities. I believe that IEEE is something that can connect undergrad, grad, and faculty to discuss more and create a proper community amongst the ECEN department, as well as other departments that are involved with computers or electronic devices.
Director of Outreach - Jasleen Batra
My name is Jasleen Batra, and I am the Director of Outreach! As the Director of Outreach, my goal is to create and strengthen professional development and networking within the department and industry. Academically, I am interested in aerospace and RF systems. During the Summer 2022 session, I was an engineering intern for NASA where I got to analyze how radiation impacts space systems and electronic hardware. I also participated in space weather research during my sophomore year. In my free time, I work on engineering projects, including a portable weather station and tornado tracker! Outside of academics, you can find me studying severe weather and tracking down tornadoes and hurricanes on radar. I also enjoy drinking tea and cracking crossword puzzles. I love talking to people, so please feel free to reach out to me at any time!