June 2021 Newsletter Contest

As we move toward a post-COVID experience at the CU Boulder campus, we are asking for your feedback on what staff priorities should be. As leadership for staff, we want to ensure that we are advocating for the desires of staff. 

For the 2021-2022 academic year, what do you believe the priorities of Staff Council should be, based on your experiences in the University system. For more information about the work we currently do, please visit our Committees page

Examples may include:

  • Staff Compensation and Benefits (pay, health insurance, merit and other “perks”)
  • Staff Professional Development & Networking Opportunities 
  • Advancing diversity and equity on campus
  • Improved Communication - keeping staff informed of changing policies or campus operations
  • Future of Work
  • Staff Recognition
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Only required if you would like to be entered into the gift card raffle