How to Meet with an Advisor


If you're already a declared Psychology or Neuroscience major:

1. Log into Buff Portal Advising.

2. Look under the Student Success Team area to identify your assigned advisor(s).

3. Click on the picture of the person you'd like to meet with. This will show their advising calendar, which includes upcoming drop-in advising and individual appointments.

4. Hover over an appointment to view the meeting details. Appointments that are greyed out have already been booked by another student.

5. Click on an open appointment to start the reservation process.


If you're interested in a Psychology or Neuroscience major, but haven't declared yet:

1. Log into Buff Portal Advising.

2. On the bottom lefthand side, click on the arrows icon that says "Update Your Major/Minor."

3. Navigate through the menus to select the college (Arts & Sciences) and major that you're interested in attending drop-ins to discuss.

4. On the final landing page, click on "Schedule an Advising Appointment Now!"

5. You will be taken to a calendar to view open drop-in times to discuss the PSYC and NRSC majors. Typcially, these occur on Mondays from 1-3 p.m. MT during the fall and spring (excluding breaks/holidays).