Max the Mouse
Max the Mouse is an original story created by Ann Cunningham and tells the story of a curious mouse in search of a tasty treat. Ann's prototype went through several iterations as students in BBB workshops developed new page designs and added 3D printed tactile elements. The various versions and final copy were on display as part of the Stories for Your Senses Exhibit at the Boulder Public Library in December 2019-February 2020.
This book was lasercut on taskboard and page templates are designed to connect with differently shaped cutouts so that pages are arranged in the correct order. The 3D printed mouse is moved from page to page as it follows a laser engraved path and encounters various 3D printed obstacles on its way to the path's end.
Max the Mouse was originally titled Mort the Mouse. Use the QR code to access additional activities created by Ann Cunningham related to Mort the Mouse, including a coloring book, collage book, and swell paper book versions.
Scan the QR code for different versions of Mort the Mouse that you can make yourself or link here to alternate versions of Mort the Mouse.