
The goal of this project is to design and fabricate a tactile Chess or Checkers game that is accessible for players who are blind or visually impaired. The game should include: a tactile game board that distinguishes white and black squares, tactile boundaries between squares, and game pieces that enable users to distinguish the two different sides (i.e., white/black) and the different roles (e.g., pawn, Queen) while being stable enough to not tip over easily.




Project Resources:

Chess pieces designed by students at the Anythink Library - Huron Branch in Colorado, 2018. Download Chess_Anythink_Huron_2018 files to print 3D modeled chess and checkers pieces.






Tactile textured chess board designed by students at the Anythink Library - Huron Branch in Colorado, 2018.






Checkers pieces designed by students at Anythink - Huron Branch in Colorado, 2018.