Professional Learning

The inquiryHub lessons engage students in practices where they investigate, make sense of phenomena and problems, construct and critique models, and develop explanations and arguments. The units are designed to support students in becoming more sophisticated in their use of practices over the school year. 

We recognize that teachers may be new to this storyline approach and the practice of presenting problems before students have had a chance to learn core ideas. Implementation resources can be found in The Front Matter of each course curricula, and the Front Matter for each unit. For teachers and schools who desire more in-depth support in implementing the inquiryHub curriculum, we offer several types of workshops. All professional learning workshops provide teachers the opportunity to experience the curriculum as a student, working together to figure out explanations of phenomena and solutions to problems, and involves a deeper study of navigation routines, discourse, and assessment. 


Types of Professional Learning Offered

iHub's open-enrollment workshops, offered during the summer, are a perfect intro for teachers who are new to iHub Biology or Chemistry. Because the pricing is per person, a teacher can choose to register on their own, even if there are no other teachers from their school attending. This is also a good option for schools with a few teachers new to iHub, or teachers in different content areas. Certificates will be issued for hours attended. 

A school or school district may prefer a customized multi-day workshop if they have multiple teachers who want to learn about implementing iHub Chemistry or Biology. This is also a good option if there are specific strategies or content a school wants to focus on with more depth. Currently, these workshops can be offered in-person or virtually, and can be planned around a school's professional development schedule, including weekdays, after school hours, and weekends. The pricing for these workshops varies based on location, number of days, number of facilitators, and number of participants. 

For both open-enrollment and customized workshops, the most success in implementation occurs when ongoing support is built in to the PL plan. 

Driving Questions Board
Teachers in "Student Hats" During PL