Melissa Campanella
She/her/hers • Research Assistant
School of Education

Role at iHub

Melissa is a storyline unit lead. She meets weekly with the PI, executive producer, coherence reviewer, and other storyline leads. Her primary responsibilities include supporting the codesign of unit storylines, writing lessons and assessments, addressing feedback from coherence reviews to prepare units and associated materials for piloting, and supporting unit revision in response to pilot feedback.

Research Interest

Melissa studies how we talk about science education and equity — what we say, how and why, to whom, and when — and supports efforts to frame science education in ways that can promote justice in the complex political environments of states and districts. She draws on theories of social movement organizing and a vision of science education that emphasizes connections between science and students’ interests and identities. 


Melissa is a 3rd year PhD student in the Learning Sciences at CU Boulder and previously taught high school science in Denver for 7 years. In addition to iHub, Melissa’s other graduate student appointments include the ACESSE (Advancing Coherence & Equity in Systems of Science Education) and CCI (Critical Civic Inquiry) projects.