The Native name of the Investors & Indigenous Peoples Working Group (IIPWG) is Yethiya wihe', meaning “We all give to them/We all invest in them” in the Oneida language. 

IIPWG holds monthly calls that serve as a clearinghouse for education, news, and joint action to bridge and bring together Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities on issues related to sustainable and responsible investing. IIPWG’s work centers on four priority areas:

1) Ensuring Indigenous Peoples' Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC).
2) Addressing the impact of extractive industries on Indigenous communities and the environment.
3) Ending the use of racist images, stereotypes, and cultural appropriation.
4) Building corporate and investor support for Indian Country.

The broad coalition comprises professionals from across North America and Europe, who work to address contemporary challenges facing Indigenous Peoples globally and to mainstream Indigenous rights in ESG criteria. Action encompasses shareholder advocacy, corporate engagement, and expert resource development in partnership between investors and Indigenous Peoples. IIPWG also promotes participation by Indigenous leaders at investment and finance industry events. Read the one-pager.

First Peoples Worldwide serves as the secretariat for IIPWG. If you have questions or would like to learn more about joining IIPWG, please email