Department of Classics

Graduated with MA in 2017

Kyle studies sex and sexuality in the cultures of Ancient Greece and Rome, specifically the social construction of sexual institutions such as marriage, prositutiton, and same-sex attraction. His most recent research projects include how same-sex attraction is embodied and personified in the epigrams of Martial (Roman Poet, 1st century AD) as well as a radical reapprasial of the relationship between same-sex desire and heteronormative practices of the ancient world. His past research has included the study of social contagion in the politics of mid-Republican Rome (presented at Society for Comparative Literature and Arts conference 2016), the interaction between elegy and the sexual politics of Augustan Rome (presented at the Rocky Mountain Interdisciplinary History Conference 2016), and intersectional study of latin linguistics and the social limitations of Roman sexuality. His other interests include cultural appropriation and exchange in the ancient world as well as the effect of Roman hegemony on the peoples and cultures of the Mediterranean.