Sarah Colón Plaza


Sarah Colón Plaza is currently in her second year of the inaugural PharmD/PhD Concurrent Degree Program here at CU. After graduating from CU, she aims to work in a research laboratory with the determination of enhancing existing drugs that will lead to the development of further effective therapeutic approaches against terminal diseases. As part of her Ph.D., she studies how cells regenerate after exposure to ionizing radiation, one of the most common treatments used against cancer. She chose cancer research for her dissertation because she is interested in regeneration and how tumors are formed. She also just completed her first year of pharmacy school, where she was able to learn about the most common drugs used to treat cancer. Furthermore, she discovered that she is also extremely interested in ambulatory care. She wanted to become a McNair mentor, so she could help students that come from a similar background as her. As a Puerto Rican, picking a school to pursue her graduate studies was not easy. But, she had great mentors to guide her throughout the process, so she now feels that it is my time to do the same for other students.