Sage Shaw


Sage is a first generation student and went to Southern Oregon University - a smaller school close to home. He majored in math and got minors in stats and computer science. SOU is not well known, and it was difficult for him to get accepted into graduate schools. His professors were very encouraging, but they were not active in the research community so he didn't really understand what made a good graduate school application. He got accepted in the masters program at Boise State, and did a masters thesis in numerical PDEs under Prof. Grady Wright. Grady got his PhD in APPM here at Boulder, which is a big part of why Sage ended up here. Since coming here, his research interests have shifted and is now doing computational neuroscience under Prof. Zack Kilpatrick. If you'd like to know more about his research, you can read his elevator pitch: He spends most of his time working (on either classes or research) but he also tries to promote diversity and equity in his communities. Sage is an active member of the local AWM chapter (you should join) and the Treasurer for the SIAM chapter, and he's one of the two graduate student representatives to the applied math graduate committee this year.