Louis Nuñez
Neuroscience & Psychology


Louis has lived in Colorado all his life. He has always been a curious person and found science through that curiosity. A long journey of struggling and persistence, as well as the support from various friends and family has led him to be the person he is today. Thanks to all the incredible support he has received, he will receive a B.A. in Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Colorado Boulder. This is only the first of many steps in his research career. He plans to research for as long as he can and hope to one day open his own research lab one day to help impact underrepresented students in the same way that his PI Dr. Root has done for him. Louis plans to attend the Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience Ph.D. program at Oregon Health & Science University.


His research interests include Neurobiology of Drug Addiction and Opioids. 

Research Faculty Mentor:

Dr. David Root, PhD, Department of Behavioral Neuroscience

Louis' McNair Scholars mentor was Raúl Melgoza