First Year Application Tips

PEAC/Bound Application Quick Tips 

  • You can go back within the form, but you cannot skip ahead 
  • There is no “save” option in the application, so we encourage you to go through the questions listed below and have your answers ready. If you need to return to the form to edit it, you can request that option after you submit. 
  • You’ll be asked for your general information and information about your parent(s)/legal guardian(s). You’ll also be asked to upload a resume.  
  • You’ll be asked for one letter of recommendation. Request your letter writer to fill out and submit their letter of recommendation at this link: If your letter writer is already logged into Microsoft, it will automatically fill in their name. If possible, please ask them to enter your legal name instead (but it is OK if they can't). If they have trouble, they may email it as a PDF to In the subject line, put “MASP 2025 Letter.” 
  • Letters are due by April 7th, 2025 for priority consideration and June 23rd, 2025 for regular consideration. If you have trouble getting your letter writer to submit on time, please email to let us know. 
  • Application Questions: This is the most important part! Answers should be about 200 words each. We want to get a sense of who you are, what you will bring to the program, and why you want to be part of an intentional inclusive community. All questions are required unless otherwise indicated. 

Questions for PEAC or PEAC and Bound Applicants 

  1. Discuss and explain your academic strengths and challenges. Provide examples of how you develop your strengths and work through challenges.  
  2.  What excites or inspires you to learn? Please discuss your favorite learning experience (this could be inside or outside of the classroom).  
  3.  How do you see PEAC benefiting you? What would you bring to the summer PEAC program, and what do you hope to get out of a four-year program? 
  4.  What talents, gifts, personal characteristics, and/or life experiences do you have to help build a supportive and inclusive MASP community? In other words, how will your presence be beneficial for PEAC?  
  5.  Is there anything else you would like us to know about you? (this question is optional)  
  6. (This question is only for those also applying to a Bound program) Related to the Bound program you are applying to, what specifically sparked your academic interests in the Arts & Humanities or Social Sciences or Natural Sciences? Discuss what inspires you to learn and/or your favorite learning experience. 
  7. (This question is only for those also applying to a Bound program) How do you see the Bound program benefiting you? What would you bring to the program, and what do you hope to get out of a one-year program? This may be similar to your answers for PEAC, but since this is a different type of program your answer should speak to that difference. 
  8. If you were accepted to both programs, which would be your preference? You cannot participate in both PEAC and Bound. 

Questions for Bound only Applicants 

  1. Discuss and explain your academic strengths and challenges. Provide examples of how you develop your strengths and work through challenges.  
  2. Related to the Bound program you are applying to, what specifically sparked your academic interests in the Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, or Natural Sciences? Discuss what inspires you to learn and/or your favorite learning experience.  
  3. How do you see the Bound program benefiting you? What would you bring to the program, and what do you hope to get out of a one-year program? 
  4. What talents, gifts, personal characteristics, and/or life experiences do you have to help build a supportive and inclusive MASP community? In other words, how will your presence be beneficial for Bound? 
  5. Is there anything else you would like us to know about you? (this question is optional)