
CU WARG Laser Lab

The CU Wakefield Acceleration and Radiation Generation (WARG) Lab contains a 15-Terawatt Ti:sapphire Class IV laser system in room G316 of the Duane Physics Building. Each femtosecond infrared laser pulse is fed into a vacuum system comprising two large experimental vacuum chambers that are able to be filled with various gases (e.g. He, Ar) for the purpose of generating laser-ionized plasma sources. A synchronized, low energy laser pulse is available for diagnostic purposes. Cameras, gauges, and other diagnostic devices are controlled and read out through a data acquisition system run on our 40-core computer which is also used for performing various types of simulations.


The Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests-II (FACET-II) is a research facility at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory dedicated to advanced accelerator research with an emphasis on plasma wakefield acceleration and closely related topics. Our group are collaborators in many experiments at FACET-II, and the leaders of the following experiments:

E-301: Tailored Plasma Source for Emittance Preservation in Plasma Wakefield Acceleration and High-Brightness Plasma-Injected Beams

E-306: Beam-Driven Ion Channel Laser

E-308: Extreme Focusing in Vacuum with a Passive Plasma Lens