Instruction Manuals
Note: The documents here are Adobe Acrobat, .pdf files, so make sure you have the Acrobat Reader plugin available in your browser. If you have trouble, try right-clicking and save the .pdf on your computer, then open the file.
Varian NMR Instruments:
- 1D NMR Experiments.
New VNMRj Software : Processing/Plotting (from Agilent Manual)
DOSY: Diffusion Ordered NMR Spectroscopy (Wide variety of methods available)
Ask for consultation and instruction in these methods
Decoupling Protons when observing Heteronuclei (Varian instruments Only)
Gating Decoupler On or Off (Varian instruments only)
Bruker Avance-III 400 NMR in JSCBB C1B82:
Bruker Avance-III 300 NMR:
General Information about NMR & Utilities:
Locking and Shimming (general concepts, manual locking & shimming)
Relaxation and Quantitation (Integration)... how long do you have to wait between scans?
Dynamic NMR Experiments - Practice and Calculations : Chemical/Conformational Exchange
Absolute Chemical Shift Referencing for "X"-Nucleus NMR Spectra (using the xref macro in VNMR)
2D NMR Processing in MestReNova - Quick-Start Guide