
If you lack access please contact Joseph Falke to request a reprint.

Selected from 125+ Falke JJ peer-reviewed publications;  Google Scholar citations h-index = 66

  • Anne Marie McCombs, Joy R. Armendariz, and Joseph J. Falke (2024) Ras Signaling Mechanisms: New Insights from Single Molecule Biophysics. Biophys J. 123:3277-3280. PMID: 39217418.  PMCID: PMC11480753.  doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2024.08.025.  New & Notable commentary invited by the BJ editors.  
  • Lewis R. Baker, Moshe T. Gordon, Brian P. Ziemba, Victoria Gershuny, Joseph J. Falke & David M. Bortz (2024) Learning Diffusion Coefficients, Kinetic Parameters, and the Number of Underlying States from a Multistate Diffusion Process: Robustness Results and Application to PDK1/PKCα Dynamics. In: Sriraman, B. (eds) Handbook of Visual, Experimental and Computational Mathematics . Springer, Cham.
  • Anne Marie McCombs, Yohei Ohashi, Joy R. Armendariz, Roger L. Williams RL, and Joseph J. Falke (2024) The G-Protein Rab1 Activates VPS34 Complex I, a Class III PI3K, Via both Membrane Recruitment and Allosteric Mechanisms.  In preparation.
  • Kaeden Batz, Marco Ferrier, Ellie Mead, Tim Shih, Ian R. Fleming, Joy R. Amendariz and Joseph J. Falke (2024) Cancer-Linked Ras Mutants with Increased Binding Affinity for the Ras Binding Domain of PI-3-Kinase.  In preparation.
  • Brian P. Ziemba*, Moshe Gordon*, and Joseph J. Falke (2019) Stable Interactions of PDK1 with PKCalpha and AKT1 on a Target Membrane Surface: Single Molecule Analysis, In Preparation.
  • Thomas Buckles, Yohei Ohashi, Shirley Tremel, Roger L. Williams, and Joseph J. Falke (2019) Mechanism of Rab5 Activation of VPS34:  A Single Molecule Study, In Preparation.
  • Brian P. Ziemba*, Thomas Buckles*, and Joseph J. Falke (2019) A Live Cell Assay for Quantifying the Effects of Pharmaceuticals on the Leukocyte Chemosensory Pathway, In Preparation.
  • Bornhorst, J.A. and J.J. Falke (2000) Purification of proteins using polyhistidine affinity tags. Methods in Enzymology 326:245-254.
  • Falke, J.J. and S.H. Kim (2000) Structure of a conserved receptor domain that regulates kinase activity: the cytoplasmic domain of bacterial taxis receptors. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 10:462-469.
  • Bornhorst, J.A. and J.J. Falke (2000) Attractant regulation of the aspartate receptor-kinase complex: limited cooperative interactions between receptors and effects of the receptor modification state. Biochemistry 39:9486-9493.
  • Bass, R.B. and J.J. Falke (1999) The aspartate receptor cytoplasmic domain: In situ chemical analysis of structure, mechanism and dynamics. Structure 7: 829-840.
  • Bass, R.B., Coleman M.D. and J.J. Falke (1999) Signaling domain of the aspartate receptor is a helical hairpin with a localized kinase docking surface: Cysteine and disulfide scanning studies. Biochemistry 38 :9317-9327.
  • Trammell, M.A. and J.J. Falke (1999) Identification of a site critical for kinase regulation on the central processing unit (CPU) helix of the aspartate receptor. Biochemistry 38: 329-36.

Careaga, C.L. and J.J. Falke (1992) Thermal motions of surface alpha-helices in the D-galactose chemosensory receptor: Detection by disulfide trapping. J. Mol. Biol. 226: 1219-1235.

Luck, L.A. and J.J. Falke (1991) Open conformation of a substrate binding cleft: 19F NMR studies of cleft angle in the D-galactose chemoreceptor. Biochemistry 30: 6484-6490.

Falke J.J., A.F Dernburg, D.A. Sternberg, N. Zalkin, D.L. Milligan, and D.E. Koshland (1988) Structure of a bacterial sensory receptor. A site-directed sulfhydryl study. J. Biol. Chem. 263: 14850-14858.

Falke, J.J. and D.E. Koshland (1987) Global flexibility in a sensory receptor: A site-directed disulfide bond study. Science 237: 1596-1600.