
"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers." — Pablo Picasso

Published: Oct. 10, 2018

What is this seq protocol? I've never heard of it!

my three-letter seq definition

Where can I learn more about sequencing or bioinformatics?

RNA-seq tutorial

R tutorial (If you are a biologist, the ecology lesson is just as helpful as the genomics lesson. Do both.)

Short read sequencing anaysis by DnA lab (Dowell aNd Allen)

Differential expression of genes

Where can I find more about my favorite SNP(s)?

PhenVar-word cloud and network of papers for snps

Haploreg -connects snps to lots of data

Where can I find lists of genes that respond to stuff? Or lists of genes that are regulated by stuff?

GSEA Gene lists. List of genes that change in different conditions.

Can I find my favorite sequence in some other public data set?

Magic-BLAST. Blasts a fastq file… but don’t use it for big stuff. Its slow!

SearchSRA. You input a fasta file of a seq you care about (like a circlular RNA) and then you input a list of SRRs (samples from GEO) and it can give you back the reads that map against that fasta file from lots of geo samples.

Where can I learn more about my favorite gene?

(Like the expression level in a bunch of different cells types or the SNPs that regulate it,  or that perturbations that change its expression, or what regulates my favorite gene)

Protien Atlas

RNA-seq data database

fantom CAGE analysis


TFs that regulate this gene (found via chip-seq database)



wiki pathway



Where can I find data on my favorite TF?

Chip and ATAC data

GUI interface overlap chip-seq with public data (chip, sequence, annotation)

I did RNA-seq. I got a gene list. What do I do with my gene list? (warning: human or mouse)


GSEA tutorial

DAVID GO terms


Where can I find more stuff to read? (like you need more stuff to read)

Pubmed labs (this is googlefied pubmed searches)

visual pubmed searches

word used over time

How can I turn one cell type into another?


Where can I learn more about reproducibility and rigor and responsible conduct of research?

Turing way


Project organization