affiliate faculty

Vienna Brunt

Vienna E. Brunt

Assistant Professor Adjunct
CU Anschutz

Asst Professor-Research

Matthew Rossman

Matthew J. Rossman

Assistant Research Professor • Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab
Integrative Physiology


David Sherwood

David Sherwood

Associate Professor Emeritus
Integrative Physiology

emeritus faculty

William Byrnes

William Byrnes

Associate Professor Emeritus
Integrative Physiology
Research Interests: The acute and chronic physiological adaptations to exercise-induced muscle injury, to resistance exercise, and to exercise in hyper/hypobaric environments.
Todd T. Gleeson

Todd Gleeson

Professor Emeritus
Integrative Physiology
Research Interests: Comparative physiology of exercise; lactate and glycogen metabolism in amphibians, reptiles, and mammals; and recovery metabolism.


Allison Paige Anderson

Allison Anderson

Assistant Professor Adjunct
Aerospace Engineering Sciences
Albert Angiolillo

Albert Angiolillo

Assistant Teaching Professor
Integrative Physiology
Teaches Human Anatomy and Nutrition.
Cecilia Diniz Behn

Cecilia Diniz Behn

Associate Professor Adjunct
Colorado School of Mines
Anne Bekoff

Anne Bekoff

Professor Emeritus
Integrative Physiology
Marie Boyko

Marie Boyko

Senior Instructor Emeritus
Integrative Physiology
Teaches Scientific Writing.
Heidi Bustamante

Heidi M. Bustamante

Associate Teaching Professor
Integrative Physiology
Teaches Intro to Human Anatomy, Human Physiology 1 and 2, Nutrition for IPHY Majors, Pathophysiology, performs dissections for the Human Anatomy Lab.
Cindy Carey

Cynthia Carey

Professor Emeritus
Integrative Physiology
Janet Casagrand

Janet L. Casagrand

Associate Teaching Professor
Integrative Physiology
Teaches Human Physiology 1, Human Physiology (non-majors), Human Physiology Lab, Neurophysiology, and a seminar on teaching for undergraduates. Department Education Specialist.

Michel Chonchol

Professor Adjunct
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Christopher Depner

Christopher Depner

Assistant Professor Adjunct
University of Utah
Chris DeSouza

Christopher A. DeSouza

Professor of Distinction
Integrative Physiology
Research Interests: Effects of aging, cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors, and regular physical activity on nitric oxide bioavailability and vascular endothelial function.
Robert Eaton

Robert Eaton

Professor Emeritus
Integrative Physiology
Marissa Ehringer

Marissa A. Ehringer

Professor • Chair
Integrative Physiology • Institute for Behavioral Genetics
Research Interests: Identification of genetic mechanisms that contribute to alcohol, tobacco, and substance use. Application of genomics and bioinformatics to the study of behavior genetics.
Neuromechanics of Human Movement

Roger M. Enoka

Integrative Physiology
Neuromuscular determinants of motor function (movement) in health and disease.
Monika Fleshner

Monika R. Fleshner

Integrative Physiology
Research Interests: Understanding 1) the impact of acute and chronic stressor exposure (mental or physical) on behavior, neural, hormonal and immunological function; 2) how such systems interact to affect the whole organism; and 3) the mechanisms of increased stress resistance and stress resilience produced by exercise.
Maureen Floriano

Maureen Floriano

Assistant Teaching Professor
Integrative Physiology
Teaches Epidemiology, Foundations in Public Health, and Introduction to Global Public Health. Facilitates the Public Health Certificate Program.
Teresa Foley

Teresa E. Foley

Teaching Professor of Distinction • Director of the Undergraduate Curriculum
Integrative Physiology
Teaches Immunology, Endocrinology, and Introduction to Epidemiology.
Alena Grabowski

Alena M. Grabowski

Associate Professor
Integrative Physiology
Research Interests: The interaction of physiology and biomechanics during human locomotion; specifically how the implementation of assistive mechanical devices, such as lower limb prostheses and exoskeletons, influence walking, running, hopping, jumping, bicycling, and sprinting.

John Harsh

Professor Adjunct
Integrative Physiology
Ruth Heisler

Ruth E. Heisler

Teaching Professor of Distinction
Integrative Physiology
Teaches Intro to IPHY, Human Anatomy and performs dissections for the Human Anatomy Lab. Department Education Specialist.

James Hill

Professor Adjunct
University of Colorado Denver
Steve Hobbs

Steven L. Hobbs

Associate Teaching Professor • Associate Chair of Undergraduate Affairs
Integrative Physiology
Coordinates the Human Anatomy Lab, teaches Introduction to Statistics.
Charles Hoeffer

Charles Hoeffer

Associate Professor
Integrative Physiology • Institute for Behavioral Genetics
Research Interests: The regulation of protein synthesis in synaptic plasticity, memory and neurological disorders. Regulators of phosphatase function in Down syndrome and schizophrenia. Aging, stress, and neurodegeneration.
Kristen Nowak

Kristen Jablonksi Nowak

Assistant Professor Adjunct
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Tom Johnson

Thomas E. Johnson

Professor Emeritus
Integrative Physiology • Institute for Behavioral Genetics
Research Interests: The study of aging using the mouse and the worm Caenorhabditis elegans as models. Mouse model of fetal alcohol syndrome. Molecular Behavioral Genetics.
Sewan Kim

Sewan Kim

Assistant Teaching Professor
Integrative Physiology
Teaches Exercise Physiology, Data Science and Statistics, and Nutrition, Health, and Performance.
Rodger Kram

Rodger Kram

Associate Professor Emeritus
Integrative Physiology
Research Interests: The physiology and biomechanics of terrestrial locomotion: (1) Partitioning of the rate of metabolic energy expenditure into its biomechanical constituents; (2) The influences of internal and external forces on walking, running, cycling and cross-country skiing.
Chris Link

Christopher D. Link

Associate Professor
Integrative Physiology • Institute for Behavioral Genetics
The long-term goal of our research is to understand the cellular and molecular basis of age-associated neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The major focus of our studies has been the identification of the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which specific proteins central to these diseases (e.g., the beta amyloid peptide in AD and TDP-43 in ALS) induce pathology. Our primary approach has been to develop transgenic C. elegans strains that express these human proteins, often resulting in abnormal phenotypes that can be the basis of classic genetic screens. The overall rationale for this approach is that invertebrate models allow facile "pilot" studies that are time-consuming, difficult, or impossible in other systems. We complement the C. elegans studies using mammalian cell culture and bioinformatic analysis of mouse and human deep sequencing data.
Christopher Lowry

Christopher A. Lowry

Professor • Associate Chair of Faculty Affairs
Integrative Physiology
Research Interests: The neural mechanisms underlying emotional behavior and the stress-induced control of physiology and emotional behavior.
Robert Lynch

Robert Lynch

Professor Emeritus
Integrative Physiology
Tammy Maldonado

Tammy Maldonado

Assistant Teaching Professor
Integrative Physiology
Teaches Scientific Writing.
Robert Mazzeo

Robert Mazzeo

Associate Professor Emeritus
Integrative Physiology
Research Interests: Neuroendocrine and biochemical adaptations associated with acute and chronic exercise, exercise immunology, high-altitude physiology, and aging.
Russ Moore

Russell L. Moore

Professor • Executive Vice Chancellor • Provost
Integrative Physiology
Dr. Moore is no longer accepting any graduate students or research trainees owing to his current administrative duties. His prior work focused on understanding the cellular basis for exercise-induced protection of the heart against ischemia-reperfusion injury, and on the influences of diet and exercise on cardiac energy metabolism.
David Norris

David Norris

Professor Emeritus
Integrative Physiology
Matthew Olm

Matthew R. Olm

Assistant Professor
Integrative Physiology
Research Interests: Human microbiome, mucosal immunology, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), computational biology and software development.
Mark Opp

Mark R. Opp

Integrative Physiology
Research Interests: To determine how chronic insufficient sleep induces inflammation and contributes to inflammatory diseases, including pain and traumatic brain injury.
Rachel Rowe

Rachel K. Rowe

Assistant Professor • Sleep, Inflammation, and Neuropathology Lab
Integrative Physiology
Research Interests: The bidirectional relationship between pathological inflammation and sleep. Identifying the interaction between pediatric traumatic brain injury, hormone dysregulation, and sleep-wake disturbances. Investigating the effects of the age at first exposure to brain injury on development and long-term pathological and functional outcomes. Investigating the relationship between sleep, traumatic brain injury, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Leif Saul

Leif J. Saul

Associate Teaching Professor
Integrative Physiology
Teaches Human Anatomy and Human Physiology, performs dissections and trains undergraduate TAs for the Human Anatomy Lab, maintains IPHY website.
Amanda Schaetzel

Amanda Schaetzel

Assistant Teaching Professor
Integrative Physiology
Serves as the Online Liaison for the IPHY department. Teaches Introduction to Human Anatomy (online and in-person), Physiology I, Nutrition for Health and Performance.
Doug Seals, February 2019

Douglas R. Seals

Professor • CU Distinguished Professor
Integrative Physiology
Research Interests: Cardiovascular aging, particularly the changes in systolic blood pressure, large artery stiffness and vascular endothelial function that occur with physiological and pathophysiological aging. Biological and lifestyle factors that influence cardiovascular aging. The integrative (molecular to systemic) mechanisms that mediate cardiovascular aging and its modulation by biological and lifestyle factors. Interventions to improve adverse physiological changes with aging, including cardiovascular dysfunction.
Jia Shi

Jia Shi

Associate Teaching Professor
Integrative Physiology
Coordinates the Human Physiology Lab and the departmental internship program; teaches Immunology and Pathophysiology.
Jerry Stitzel

Jerry A. Stitzel

Integrative Physiology • Institute for Behavioral Genetics
Research Interests: The use of genetic strategies to identify the underlying biological bases for the behavioral and physiological actions of drugs of abuse with special emphasis on nicotine.
Nicole Stob

Nicole Stob

Assistant Teaching Professor
Integrative Physiology
Teaches Nutrition for Health and Performance, and Clinical Nutrition.
Andrew Tan

Andrew Tan

Assistant Professor
Integrative Physiology
Research Interests: Investigate the biomechanical constraints and the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying sensorimotor recovery after neurological injury. Develop innovative paradigms that induce adaptive plasticity and promote gains in motor function.
Tsai Photo

Pei-San Tsai

Integrative Physiology
Research Interests: Reproductive endocrinology of vertebrates and invertebrates. Specific research foci include the development of a population of neuroendocrine neurons critical for vertebrate reproduction, functional and structural evolution of reproductive neurohormones, and how sex steroids regulate hypothalamic, pituitary, and gonadal functions.

Kenneth P. Wright Jr.

Professor of Distinction • Graduate Affairs Associate Chair
Integrative Physiology
Research Interests: Health and safety consequences of insufficient sleep and circadian misalignment. Development of countermeasures and treatments for sleep and circadian disruption to improve public health and safety.

graduate student

Johnson Ajanaku

Ph.D Graduate Student • Genetics of Substance Use Disorders Lab
Integrative Physiology
Sidney Aki

Sidney Aki

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Molecular Neurogenetics Lab
Integrative Physiology
Tyler Akonom

Tyler N. Akonom

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Reproductive Endocrinology Lab
Integrative Physiology
Rehab Aljaafari

Rehab Aljaafari

Ph.D Graduate Student • Neurophysiology of Movement Lab
Integrative Physiology
Nate Anderson

Nathan D. Anderson

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Psychoneuroimmunology Lab
Integrative Physiology

Krisha Avalani

M.S Graduate Student • Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab
Integrative Physiology

Auburn Berry

M.S. Graduate Student • Integrative Vascular Biology Laboratory
Integrative Physiology
Alysha Bogard

Alysha Bogard

Ph.D Graduate Student • Sensorimotor Recovery and Neuroplasticity Lab
Integrative Physiology

Myra Bower

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Genetics of Substance Abuse Lab
Integrative Physiology

Andy Castellano

M.S. Graduate Student
Integrative Physiology
Ashley Darrah

Ashley Darrah

M.S. Graduate Student • Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab
Integrative Physiology
Sanna Darvish

Sanna Darvish

Ph.D Graduate Student • Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab
Integrative Physiology
Leah Deminski

Leah Deminski

M.S. Graduate Student
Integrative Physiology
Luke Desmond

Luke Desmond

Ph.D Graduate Student • Psychoneuroimmunology Lab
Integrative Physiology
Eamonn Duffy

Eamonn Duffy

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Genetics of Substance Abuse Laboratory

Miguel Espino

Ph.D Graduate Student • Psychoneuroimmunology Lab
Integrative Physiology
Mina Griffioen

Mina Griffioen

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Molecular Signaling of Neurological Disorders Laboratory
Integrative Physiology

Andrew Harding

M.S. Graduate Student
Integrative Physiology
Josh Havassy

Josh Havassy

M.S. Graduate Student • Stress Physiology Lab
Integrative Physiology

Luke Hendricks

M.S. Graduate Student • Genetics of Substance Use Disorders Lab
Integrative Physiology
Shelby Hopkins

Shelby Hopkins

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Stress Physiology Lab
Integrative Physiology

Joshua Jackson

Ph.D Graduate Student • Molecular Signaling of Neurological Disorders Lab
Integrative Physiology

Grace Johnston

M.S. Graduate Student
Integrative Physiology
Alireza Kamankesh

Alireza Kamankesh

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Neurophysiology of Movement Lab
Integrative Physiology

Kora Kastengren

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Molecular Signaling of Neurological Disorders/Molecular Biology of Neurodegeneration Labs
Integrative Physiology
Tel Kelley

Tel Kelley

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Stress Physiology Lab
Integrative Physiology
Lyanna Kessler

Lyanna R. Kessler

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Psychoneuroimmunology Lab
Integrative Physiology
Kelsey Koger

Kelsey Koger

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Neurophysiology of Movement Laboratory
Integrative Physiology
Ben Kott

Benjamin Kott

M.S. Graduate Student • Neurophysiology of Movement Lab
Integrative Physiology
Andrew Lee

Kyo Lee

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Psychoneuroimmunology Lab
Integrative Physiology

Joseph Lim

M.S. Graduate Student • Diabetes and Obesity Research Lab
Integrative Physiology
Andrew Lombardi

Andrew M. Lombardi

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Molecular Signaling of Neurological Disorders Lab
Integrative Physiology

Andrea Lugo

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Sleep, Inflammation, and Neuropathology Lab
Integrative Physiology
Sophia Mahoney

Sophia Mahoney

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Integrative Physiology of Aging Laboratory
Integrative Physiology
Alanna Mayberry

Alanna Mayberry

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Molecular Signaling of Neurological Disorders Laboratory
Integrative Physiology

Thomas McDaniel

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Applied Biomechanics Lab
Integrative Physiology

Emmett McMahon

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Applied Biomechanics Laboratory
Integrative Physiology
Erika Merhoff

Erika Mehrhoff

Ph.D Graduate Student • Genetics of Substance Abuse Laboratory
Integrative Physiology

Nicholas Merryman

M.S. Graduate Student
Integrative Physiology
Luis Morata Moreno

Luis Morata Moreno

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Applied Biomechanics Laboratory
Integrative Physiology

Chimere Ndudim

M.S. Graduate Student • Reproductive Endocrinology Lab
Integrative Physiology

Bradley Needles

Ph.D Graduate Student • Applied Biomechanics Lab
Integrative Physiology

Tina Nguyen

M.S. Graduate Student • Stress Physiology Lab
Integrative Physiology

Kate Noyes

M.S. Graduate Student
Integrative Physiology
Norah Nyangau

Norah Nyangau

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Sensorimotor and Neuroplasticity Recovery Lab
Integrative Physiology
Noah Patterson

Noah Patterson

M.S. Graduate Student • Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab
Integrative Physiology
Aviva Pollet

Aviva Pollet

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Sensorimotor Recovery and Neuroplasticity Lab
Integrative Physiology

Jing Qian

Ph.D Graduate Student • Integrative Microbiome Research Lab
Integrative Physiology
Negar Rahimi

Negar Rahimi

Ph.D Graduate Student • Neurophysiology of Movement Lab
Integrative Physiology
Saydie Sago

Saydie A. Sago

Ph.D Graduate Student • Psychoneuroimmunology Lab
Integrative Physiology

Maeve Sheehy

Ph.D Graduate Student • Sleep and Chronobiology Lab
Integrative Physiology

Olivia Simpson-Klein

M.S. Graduate Student
Integrative Physiology

Korey Smith

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Sleep and Chronobiology Lab
Integrative Physiology
John Sterrett

John Sterrett

Ph.D Graduate Student • Psychoneuroimmunology Laboratory
Integrative Physiology

Alyson Stewart

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Molecular Biology of Neurodegeneration/Sleep, Inflammation, and Neuropathology Labs
Integrative Physiology

Michael Thomas

M.S. Graduate Student
Integrative Physiology
Bre Thrower

Bre Thrower

M.S. Graduate Student
Integrative Physiology

Whitney Valenti

M.S. Graduate Student
Integrative Physiology
Logan Weinman

Logan E. Weinman

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Neurophysiology of Movement Lab
Integrative Physiology
Emily Yeo

Emily Yeo

Ph.D. Graduate Student • Integrative Microbiome Research Lab
Integrative Physiology
Haoting Zhang

Haoting Zhang

M.S. Graduate Student • Psychoneuroimmunology Lab
Integrative Physiology

Graduate Students

Bri Astorino

Bri Astorino

M.S. Graduate Student • Integrative Physiology of Aging Laboratory
Integrative Physiology

lab staff

Lindsey Beauregard

Lindsey Beauregard

Professional Research Assistant • Sleep and Inflammation Lab
Integrative Physiology
Amrita George

Amrita M. George

Professional Research Assistant • Sleep and Inflammation Lab
Integrative Physiology

Jared J. Greiner

Professional Research Assistant • Integrative Vascular Biology Lab
Integrative Physiology

Kora L. Kastengren

Professional Research Assistant • Molecular Biology of Neurodegeneration Lab
Integrative Physiology
Hannah Lally

Hannah Lally

Professional Research Assistant • Integrative Physiology of Aging
Integrative Physiology

Katelyn Ludwig

Research Associate • Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab
Integrative Physiology
Brandon Marquart

Brandon M. Marquart

Professional Research Assistant • Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Lab
Integrative Physiology
Narissa McCarty

Narissa P. McCarty

Professional Research Assistant • Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab
Integrative Physiology
Jill Miyamoto-Ditmon

Jill H. Miyamoto-Ditmon

Professional Research Assistant • Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab
Integrative Physiology

Cynthia (Cindy) L. Seals

Professional Research Assistant • Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab
Integrative Physiology

Madison Szewczak

Professional Research Assistant • Sleep and Inflammation Lab
Integrative Physiology

Robert S. Thompson

Research Associate • Stress Physiology Lab
Integrative Physiology

Nicholas "Nick" S. VanDongen

Professional Research Assistant • Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab
Integrative Physiology
Melanie Zigler

Melanie C. Zigler

Sr. Professional Research Assistant • Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab
Integrative Physiology
Shiying Zou

Shiying Zou

Professional Research Assistant • Sleep and Inflammation Lab
Integrative Physiology


Rebecca Cox

Rebecca Cox

Postdoctoral Fellow • Sleep and Chronobiology Lab
Integrative Physiology


Tabitha Green

Tabitha Green

Postdoctoral Associate • Sleep and Inflammation Lab
Integrative Physiology

Lauren E. Hartstein

Postdoctoral Fellow • Sleep and Development Lab
Integrative Physiology
Holden Hemingway

Holden Hemingway

Postdoctoral Associate • Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab
Integrative Physiology
Melanie Henry

Melanie Henry

Postdoctoral Fellow • Neurophysiology of Movement Lab
Integrative Physiology
Ellie Holzhausen

Elizabeth Jin Holzhausen

Postdoctoral Associate • Diabetes and Obesity Research Lab
Integrative Physiology
Kevin Murray

Kevin Murray

Postdoctoral Associate • Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab
Integrative Physiology
Salvador Valencia Sanchez

Salvador Valencia Sanchez

Postdoctoral Associate • Sleep and Inflammation Lab
Integrative Physiology

research personnel

Emily C. Adam

Professional Research Assistant • Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab
Integrative Physiology

research professors

Zachary Clayton

Zachary S. Clayton

Assistant Research Professor • Integrative Physiology of Aging Lab
Integrative Physiology


Marsha Cook

Marsha Cook

Manager of Faculty and Curricular Affairs
Integrative Physiology
Coordinates and manages all faculty affairs support for the department including reappointment, promotion, tenure, and hiring/onboarding of new faculty. Manages curricular and course scheduling needs. Supervises the front office staff.
Lucas Eads

Lucas Eads

Manager of Finance and Business Operations
Integrative Physiology
Provides high level budgetary, financial, policy, and administrative support to the Chair. Primarily responsible for oversight and policy related to department operations including, finance, human resources, and business operations. Engages in long-term strategic projects, planning in consultation with the Chair and Associate Chair in addition to supervising business office staff. Lucas grew up in Arvada, Colorado before attending the University of Colorado, Boulder where he received a bachelor’s degree in...
Eric Heltne

Eric Heltne

IT Professional
Integrative Physiology
Oversees departmental IT and general technical and software needs for IPHY. Serves as the main liaison with OIT and handles property management including inventory and disposal.
Brandon Michieli on a horse

Brandon Michieli

Graduate Program Coordinator
Integrative Physiology
Provides program details to prospective students and current students at the graduate levels. Administers a wide range of support to current graduate students in managing their progression through the degree program.
Clara Perkins

Clara Perkins

Human Resources Coordinator/Liaison
Integrative Physiology
Clara is the Human Resources Coordinator/Liaison for the Department. She manages issues related to human resources that include hiring, onboarding/offboarding, payroll, Myleave timesheets and more. Clara is also the primary liaison between IPHY and Campus HR.
Jenny Simmons

Jenny Simmons

Academic Success Coordinator
Integrative Physiology
Works closely with the director of undergraduate curriculum to design, implement, and assess initiatives aimed at enhancing student success and retention within our department.
Angela Stansbury

Angela Stansbury

Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Building Proctor
Integrative Physiology
Responsible for providing administrative and clerical support to the chair, faculty, students and staff. Main responsibilities include: managing undergraduate student services, including course registration; serving as building proctor for all IPHY spaces; administering undergraduate fellowships and prizes; publicizing the undergraduate major and special events within the department; coordinating student registration and final grades; maintaining undergraduate program content on department website.
Trisha Ward

Trisha Ward Brooks

Finance and Research Administrator
Integrative Physiology
Oversees purchasing (PCard), payments, financial rules/regulations, and faculty finances for the department. Serves as department research administrator in post-award management, close out, budget reports.
Paula Yamashita

Paula Yamashita

Lab and Research Manager
Integrative Physiology
Supports faculty with new proposal submissions, and oversees research logistics and lab equipment in the department, providing research support to faculty and research laboratories.