Wooden clock sitting next to a spiral calendar with colorful tacs.

5 tips for finding things to look forward to

If you’re feeling stuck in a pandemic slump, you’re not alone. 2020 has been a rough year, and it can be hard to break away from the monotony of all things virtual. Here are 5 tips you can try to find things to look forward to.

Photo of the flatirons at sunset with a foggy overcast.

Tips and tricks for your finances, mental health, productivity and more

The Health and Wellness Summit officially kicked off yesterday! If you missed yesterday’s presentations, slides will be available on the Summit Schedule page . Here are a few highlights from some of yesterday’s sessions: Financial Resilience: Bouncing Back from Financial Hardships Presenter: Carissa Krug, Medical Services Whether you’ve had a...

Person sitting at a desk with a journal open to a blank page.

4 tricks to improve your mood

This year has been emotionally draining, and we may find ourselves feeling down. Here are 4 things you can do to improve your mood for a brighter week.

Girl standing in front of her window as she pulls back the blinds and lets the sunlight in.

3 things you can do right now to feel better

Feeling better may seem out of reach right now, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are 3 things you can do to start feeling better this week.

Scenic view of campus.

5 ways to address racial trauma

Racial trauma is something that Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) experience on a daily basis. In many cases this trauma can show up in subtle ways, making it difficult to identify emotions and address it in the moment. Here are 5 ways to begin addressing racial trauma.

Student lying on the floor with a book over their face surrounded by papers, a laptop, phone and textbooks.

5 things you can do if you’re feeling overwhelmed by midterms

Stress can be a good motivator, but too much of it can take a toll on our well-being. Here are some things you can do if you’re feeling overwhelmed (by midterms or in general).

Two friends sitting in the woods, talking.

How to be a Buff: Supporting a friend after a traumatic experience

When upsetting things happen and people need someone to talk to, they usually turn to a friend, roommate or someone they trust. Here are some ways you can support a friend after a traumatic experience.

Fall leaves in front of bright blue sky

5 ways to make it through September

As we spend more time at home, it’s important to practice self-care, make time for fun and remain hopeful. Here are a few things you can do to make it through September.

Two people sitting with their hands crossed

Healthy Buffs: How to make the most of tough conversations

Here are some tips to help you get through a tough conversation.

Girl sitting on the floor with her laptop and a mug

6 tips to make it through finals

Finals are almost here. Someone had to say it. Here are 6 tips to make it through finals.
