Recruitment Attendance
It is our policy that you must attend all scheduled events including orientation. We do understand that there are circumstances where an absence will be approved. However, the only excused absences that are eligible are for family emergencies, illness and class/exams. This does not include concert tickets or work. Additionally, you must be available during the entire day during the published times. However, you will not be busy the entire time. You will receive a schedule at the beginning of each day.
To submit your absences, fill out the 2024 Primary Recruitment Excuse form. You must be registered for recruitment to complete the form.
If you are aware in advance that you will be absent
If you will be absent due to class conflicts, tests, etc., please submit your excuses by midnight on August 28. This deadline coincides with the night of Recruitment Orientation, where you will receive detailed information about the dates and time commitments required.
If you are unaware in advance that you will be absent
If you will be absent due to sickness, emergencies, etc., you must submit your excuses as soon as possible before the absence occurs. It is acceptable for these excuses to be submitted after August 28, but before the absence. Please note that missing more than one event without submitting a prior excuse may result in removal from the recruitment process.