
  • Professional Research Assistant

Office: Benson 422C

Faculty ContactG. Lang Farmer

Research Interests

Emily runs the thermal ionization mass spectrometry lab and a level 10-100 clean room. Neodymium, strontium and lead isotopic compositions are determined on rock and water samples.

Isotope Geochemistry: Nd, Sr, Pb isotopic analysis on rocks, water and other natural materials. Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer Instrument Development: Developing techniques for high precision Pb isotopic analyses on very small samples (<10 ng). Current work is improving precision of Pb isotopic analyses by increasing ionization efficiency using electrochemical methods.

Education and Training

  • M.S., Oregon State University, College of Oceanography (1985)
  • B.S., Tufts University, College of Engineering (1981)