Conference and Journal Publications
- Kunal Korgaonkar, Joseph Izraelevitz, Jishen Zhao, and Steven Swanson. Vorpal: Vector clock ordering for large persistent memory systems. In: 2019 ACM Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing. PODC ’19. Toronto ON, Canada, 2019.
- Jian Yang, Joseph Izraelevitz, and Steven Swanson. Orion: A distributed file system for non-volatile main memories and RDMA-capable networks. In: 17th USENIX Conf. on File and Storage Technologies. FAST ’19. Boston, MA, 2019.
- Qingrui Liu, Joseph Izraelevitz, Se Kwon Lee, Michael L. Scott, Sam H. Noh, and Changhee Jung. Ido: Compiler-directed failure atomicity for nonvolatile memory. In: 51st IEEE/ACM Intl. Symp. on Microar- chitecture. MICRO ’18. Fukuoka, Japan, 2018.
- Haosen Wen, Joseph Izraelevitz, Wentao Cai, H. Alan Beadle, and Michael L. Scott. Interval based memory reclamation. In: 23rd ACM SIGPLAN Symp. on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. PPoPP ’18. Vienna, Austria, 2018.
- Joseph Izraelevitz and Michael L. Scott. Generality and speed in nonblocking dual containers. In: ACM Trans. on Parallel Computing, 3(4):22:1–22:37, 2017.
- Joseph Izraelevitz, Lingxiang Xiang, and Michael L. Scott. Performance improvement via always-abort HTM. In: 26th Intl. Conf. on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques. PACT ’17. Portland, OR, USA, 2017.
- Faisal Nawab, Joseph Izraelevitz, Terence Kelly, Charles B. Morrey, Dhruva Chakrabarti, and Michael L. Scott. Dalí: A periodically persistent hash map. In: 31st Intl. Symp. on Distributed Computing. DISC ’17. Vienna, Austria, 2017.
- Matthew Graichen, Joseph Izraelevitz, and Michael L. Scott. An unbounded nonblocking double-ended queue. In: 45th Intl. Conf. on Parallel Processing. ICPP ’16. Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2016.
- Joseph Izraelevitz, Terence Kelly, and Aasheesh Kolli. Failure-atomic persistent memory updates via JUSTDO logging. In: 21st Intl. Conf. on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. ASPLOS XXI. Atlanta, GA, USA, 2016.
- Joseph Izraelevitz, Hammurabi Mendes, and Michael L. Scott. Linearizability of persistent memory objects under a full-system-crash failure model. In: 30th Intl. Conf. on Distributed Computing. DISC ’16. Paris, France, 2016.
Short Peer-reviewed Publications (Workshop papers, posters, etc.)
- Faisal Nawab, Joseph Izraelevitz, Terence Kelly, Charles B. Morrey, Dhruva Chakrabarti, and Michael L. Scott. Dalí: A periodically persistent hash map. In: 9th Annual Non-Volatile Memories Wkshp. NVMW ’18. San Diego, CA, USA, 2018.
- Joseph Izraelevitz, Virendra Marathe, and Michael L. Scott. Poster presentation: Composing durable data structures. In: 8th Annual Non-Volatile Memories Wkshp. NVMW ’17. San Diego, CA, USA, 2017.
- Joseph Izraelevitz, Lingxiang Xiang, and Michael L. Scott. Performance improvement via always-abort HTM. In: 12th ACM SIGPLAN Wkshp. on Transactional Computing. TRANSACT ’17. Austin, TX, USA, 2017.
- Joseph Izraelevitz, Alex Kogan, and Yossi Lev. Implicit acceleration of critical sections via unsuccessful speculation. In: 11th ACM SIGPLAN Wkshp. on Transactional Computing. TRANSACT ’16. Barcelona, Spain, 2016.
- Joseph Izraelevitz, Hammurabi Mendes, and Michael L Scott. Brief announcement: Preserving happens- before in persistent memory. In: 28th ACM Symp. on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures. SPAA’16. Asilomar Beach, CA, USA, 2016.
- Joseph Izraelevitz and Michael L. Scott. Brief announcement: A generic construction for nonblocking dual containers. In: 2014 ACM Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing. PODC ’14. Paris, France, 2014.
- Joseph Izraelevitz and Michael L. Scott. Brief announcement: Fast dual ring queues. In: 26th ACM Symp. on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures. SPAA ’14. Prague, Czech Republic, 2014.
Patents and Patent Applications
- Virendra Marathe and Joseph Izraelevitz. Systems and methods for constructing composable persistent data structures. Patent US10007581B2. Oracle International Corporation. US, 2018.
- Terence Kelly, Charles B. Morrey, Dhruva Chakrabarti, Aasheesh Kolli, Qiong Cai, Andrew C. Walton, and Joseph Izraelevitz. Register store. Patent application filed. Hewlett Packard Enterprise. US, 2016.
- Faisal Nawab, Joseph Izraelevitz, Terence Kelly, Charles B. Morrey, and Dhruva Chakrabarti. Memory system to access uncorrupted data. Patent application filed. Hewlett Packard Enterprise. US, 2016.
- Joseph Izraelevitz, Terence Kelly, Aasheesh Kolli, and Charles B. Morrey. Resuming execution in response to failure. Patent application filed (WO2017074451). Hewlett Packard Enterprise. US, 2015.
Unrefereed Publications (TRs, theses, etc.)
- Joseph Izraelevitz, Jian Yang, Lu Zhang, Amirsaman Memaripour, Yun Joon Soh, Subramanya R. Dul- loor, Jishen Zhao, Juno Kim, Xiao Liu, Zixuan Wang, Yi Xu, and Steven Swanson. Basic performance measurements of the intel optane dc persistent memory module. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.05714, 2019.
- Jian Yang, Juno Kim, Morteza Hoseinzadeh, Joseph Izraelevitz, and Steven Swanson. An empirical guide to the behavior and use of scalable persistent memory. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.03583, 2019.
- Joseph Izraelevitz. Concurrency implications of nonvolatile byte-addressable memory. Ph.D. Thesis. De- partment of Computer Science, University of Rochester, 2018.
- Joseph Izraelevitz and Michael L. Scott. A generic construction for nonblocking dual containers. Technical report (TR 992). Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester, 2014.
- Joseph Izraelevitz and Michael L. Scott. Fast dual ring queues. Technical report (TR 990). Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester, 2014.
- Joseph Izraelevitz. Automated archaeological survey of ancient irrigation canals. Master’s Thesis. Department of Computer Science, Washington University in St. Louis, 2009.
- Joseph Izraelevitz. Poster presentation: Analyzing software dependencies on supercomputers with REV. In: Los Alamos National Laboratory Student Symp. Los Alamos, NM, USA, 2007.