Fox, B. and F. Wouk. In prep. A Cross-Linguistic Study of Self Repair. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Thompson, S., Fox, B., and E. Couper-Kuhlen. 2015. Grammar in Everyday Talk: Building Responsive Actions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ford, C., Fox, B., and S. Thompson (Eds). 2002. The Language of Turns and Sequences. New York: Oxford University Press.
Fox, B., Jurafsky, D., and L. Michaelis (Eds). 1998. Cognition, Language and Discourse. Stanford: CSLI.
Fox, B. (Ed.) 1996. Studies in Anaphora. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Fox, B. and P. Hopper (Eds). 1994. Voice: Form and Function. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Fox, B. 1993. The Human Tutorial Dialogue Project. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Fox, B. 1987. Discourse Structure and Anaphora. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Articles in refereed journals
Fox, B. and T. Heinemann. 2016. Rethinking format: examining requests. Language in Society.
Fox, B. and T. Heinemann. 2015. The alignment of manual and verbal displays in requests for the repair of an object. Research on Language and Social Interaction 48: 1-22.
Fox, B. 2015. On the notion of pre-request. Discourse Studies 17: 41-63.
Fox, B. and J. Robles. 2010. It's like mmm: enactments with it's like. Discourse Studies 12: 715- 738.
Fox, B. and S. Thompson. 2010. Responses to wh-questions in English conversation. Research on Language and Social Interaction 43: 133-156.
Fox, B., Maschler, S., and S. Uhmann. 2010. A cross-linguistic study of self-repair: evidence from English, German and Hebrew. Journal of Pragmatics 42: 2487-2505.
Fox, B. 2007. Principles shaping grammatical practices. Discourse Studies 9: 299-318.
Fox, B. and S. Thompson. 2007. Relative clauses in English conversation: relativizers, frequency and the notion of construction. Studies in Language 31: 293-326.
Fox, B. 2001. Evidentiality: Authority, responsibility, and entitlement in English conversation. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 11: 1-29.
Fox, B., and S. Thompson. 1990. A discourse explanation of the grammar of relative clauses in English conversation. Language 66: 51-64.
Fox, B. 1988. Anaphora in popular stories: Implications for narrative theory. Empirical Studies of the Arts 6.2: 149-169. (Invited submission)
Fox, B. 1987. The noun phrase accessibility hierarchy revisited: subject primacy or the absolutive hypothesis. Language 63: 856-870.
Fox, B. 1987. Interactional reconstruction in real-time language processing. Cognitive Science 11: 365-387.
Fox, B. 1987. Morphosyntactic markedness and discourse structure. Journal of Pragmatics.
Fox, B. 1986. Local patterns and general principles in cognitive processes. Text 16.1: 25-51.
Fox, B. 1985. Word-order inversion and discourse continuity in Tagalog. Text 5: 39-54.
Cooreman, A., Fox, B., and T. Givon. 1984. The discourse definition of ergativity. Studies in Language 8: 1-34.
Fox, B. 1982. Figure Ground in Language. Glossa 16.2: 149-180.
Fox, B. 1981. Body Part Syntax: Towards a Universal Characterization. Studies in Language 5.3: 323-342.
Articles in volumes
Ford, C. and B. Fox. 2015. Ephemeral practices: Reference and repair in an extended turn. In A. Depperman and S. Guenthner (Eds) Temporality in Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Couper-Kuhlen, E. Fox, B., and S. Thompson. 2014. Forms of responsivity. In A. Depperman and S. Guenthner (Eds) Grammar and Dialogism. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Fox, B., Ford, C and S. Thompson. 2013. Units or practices? Building trajectories in talk- in-interaction. In B. Szczepek Reed and G. Raymond (Eds) Units of Talk-Units of Action. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 13-56.
Fox, B, Thompson, S., Ford, C. and Couper-Kuhlen, E. 2013. Conversation Analysis in Linguistics. In J. Sidnell and T. Stivers (Eds) Handbook of Conversation Analysis. New York: Blackwell, pp 726-740.
Fox, B. 2012. Conversation Analysis and self-repair. In C. Mortensen and J. Wagner (Eds) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Cambridge: Wiley-Blackwell.
Fox, B., Benjamin, T. and H. Mazeland. 2012. Conversation Analysis and repair organization: overview. In C. Mortensen and J. Wagner (Eds) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Cambridge: Wiley-Blackwell.
Ford, C. and B. Fox. 2010. Multiple practices for constructing laughables. In D. Barth-Weingarten, E. Reber, and M. Selting (Eds) Prosody in Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Fox, B. 2010. Introduction. In N. Amiridze, H. Kitano and H. Taelman (Eds) Fillers. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Fox, B., Wouk, F. Hayashi, M., Sorjonen, M-J., Laakso, M., Fincke, S., and W. Flores Hernandez. 2009. A cross-linguistic perspective on site of initiation of self-repair. In J. Sidnell (Ed) Comparative Studies in Conversation Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fox, B. 2008. Dynamics of discourse. In G. Antos and K. Knapp (Ed) Handbook of Applied Linguistics II. Mouton de Gruyter.
Ford, C., Fox, B., and J. Hellerman. 2004. Getting past no: Sequence, action and sound production in the projection of no-initiated turns. In E. Couper-Kuhlen and C. Ford (Eds) Sound Patterns in Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Ford, C., Fox, B. and S. Thompson. 2002. Constituency and turn increments. In C. Ford, B. Fox, and S. Thompson (Eds.). The Language of Turns and Sequences. London: Oxford University Press.
Ford, C., Fox, B., and S. Thompson. 2002. Interaction and grammar. In M. Tomasello (Ed.) The New Psychology of Language, vol II. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.
Fox, B. 2002. On the embodied nature of grammar. In J. Bybee and M. Noonan (Eds.) Essays in Honor of Sandra Thompson. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Fox, B. 2001. An Exploration of Prosody and Turn Projection in English Conversation. In E. Couper-Kuhlen and M. Selting (Eds.) Interactional Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Fox, B. 1999. Directions in Research: Language and the Body. Research on Language and Social Interaction 32. Karen Tracy (Ed.). [Special Issue: "Language and Social Interaction at the Century's Turn"]
Fox, B., Gomez de Garcia, J. and L. Tao. 1998. Tone-choice repair in Mandarin conversation. In B. Fox, D. Jurafsky, L. Michaelis (Eds). Stanford: CSLI.
Fox, B., Hayashi, M. and R. Jasperson. 1996. Resources and repair: a cross-linguistic study of the syntactic organization of repair. In E. Ochs, E. Schegloff & S. Thompson (Eds.). Interaction and Grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 185-227.
Ford, C. and B. Fox. 1996. Interactional motivations for reference formulation: He had.This guy had a beautiful, thirty-two O:lds. In B. Fox (Ed.) Studies in Anaphora. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Ford, C., Fox, B. and S. Thompson. 1996. Practices in the construction of turns: the 'TCU' revisited. Pragmatics 6: 427-454.
Fox, B. 1996. The category 'S' in conversational English. In W. Abraham, T. Givon and S. Thompson (Eds.), Discourse Grammar and Typology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 153- 178.
Fox, B. and R. Jasperson. 1995. A syntactic exploration of repair in English conversation. In P. Davis (Ed.) Descriptive and Theoretical Modes in the Alternative Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp 77-134.
Fox, B., Hayashi, M. and R. Jasperson. 1994. Semantics and interaction: Three exploratory case studies. In P. Hopper and S. Thompson (Eds.), special issue of Text 14: 555-580.
Fox, B. 1994. Contextualization, indexicality, and the distributed nature of grammar. Language Sciences 16: 1-37. (Special issue edited by P. Davis.)
Arce-Arenales, M., Axelrod, M. and B. Fox. 1994. Active voice and middle diathesis: A cross- linguistic perspective. In B. Fox and P. Hopper (eds.) Voice: Form and Function. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Fox, B. 1991. Cognitive and interactional aspects of correction in tutoring dialogues. In P. Goodyear (ed.) Teaching Knowledge and Intelligent Tutoring. New Jersey: Ablex.
Fox, B., and S. Thompson. 1991. On formulating reference: an interactional approach to relative clauses in English conversation. In A. Duranti and B. Schieffelin (eds.) Papers in Pragmatics.
Fox, B. and P. Smolensky. 1988. Computer-aided reasoned discourse. In R. Guindon (ed.). Cognitive Science and its Application to Computer-Human Interaction. New Jersey: L. Erlbaum.
Cooreman, A., Fox, B., and T. Givon. 1988. The discourse definition of ergativity: a study in Chamorro and Tagalog texts. Reprinted in R. McGinn (ed.) Studies in Austronesian Linguistics. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press.
Fox, B. 1987. Anaphora in popular written English narratives. In R. Tomlin (ed.) Coherence and Grounding in Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Fox, B. 1985. Participant tracking in Toba Batak. In P. Schachter (ed.) Studies in the Structure of Toba Batak. Los Angeles: UCLA.
Fox, B. 1983. The discourse function of the participle in Ancient Greek. In F. Klein-Andreu (ed.) Discourse Perspectives on Syntax: 23-41. New York: Academic Press.
Conference Proceedings
Curl, T., Fox, B., Jurafsky, D. and E. Shriberg. 1998. Lexical, prosodic, and syntactic cues for dialog acts. In Proceedings of ACL/COLING-98.
Fox, B. 1993. Correction in tutoring. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. University of Colorado, Boulder.
Fox, B. and L. Karen. 1988. Collaborative cognition. In Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
Fox, B. 1988. Variation and patterning in discourse and grammar. Proceedings of NWAV-XV. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Bell, B. Fox, B., King, R., Lewis, C., and P. Smolensky. 1987. Constraint-based hypertext for Argumentation. Proceedings of Hypertext '87.
Fox, B. 1986. On the creation of discourse by grammar. In S. DeLancey and R. Tomlin (eds.) Proceedings of the First Pacific Linguistics Conference, Eugene, Oregon: Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon.
Fox, B. 1992. Review of The Pragmatics of Word Order, by Doris Payne. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. American Anthropologist.
Fox, B. 1988. Review of Analysing Conversation, by Talbot Taylor and Deborah Cameron. Language and Speech 31.1: 87-93.
Fox, B. 1982. Review of Language Typology: Cross-Linguistic Studies in Syntax by G. Mallinson and B. Blake, 1981. In Australian Journal of Linguistics, 2.2: 261-265.