Published: April 4, 2023

DIY cleaning productsWater

The western United States is facing water scarcity issues. You can do your part by saving water. This may seem like a small step in the right direction, but with everyone working together to save water, the western U.S. will be better for it! 

Some of the best ways to save water as an individual are: 

  • Take showers instead of baths, and keep them short
  • Only wash large loads of clothes once a week rather than a bunch of loads throughout the week 
  • ​Turn the water off when you’re brushing your teeth or washing your face until you absolutely need it 
  • Tell your landlord about faucet or toilet leaks 
  • Don’t leave the water running 
  • Avoid using hoses or sprinklers when you can

Conserving water is good for the environment, but it’s also good for your wallet! More sustainable practices also tend to be more cost-effective as well. This makes it even easier, at least for me, to stay motivated with sustainable practices. 


As for cleaning, I try to look into environmentally friendly brands. Something that I care about personally is waste reduction. For this, I buy what I can in bulk. Oftentimes, things like dishwasher pods are cheaper the more you buy. This is better for my wallet and reduces the amount of packaging. 

I also noticed - maybe about a year after I had moved out of my parents' house - that I tended to buy certain cleaning brands only because that’s what my parents used. So, I started forming my own opinions. Rather than using dryer sheets, which just end up in the trash eventually anyways, I switched to dryer balls. These are reusable, which is great! 

I also significantly cut down on buying paper towels. Instead, I switched to using thicker kitchen towels for pretty much everything. These are washable, so I only have to buy them once, and they generate a lot less waste, as I can use them till they are bare. 

I think one of the best ways to be more sustainable is to save money. Look at how you can use reusable products rather than single-use ones. Some of these may have more expensive upfront costs but will save you money in the long run. Or, as my dad says, “Buy once, cry once.”

Maybe your heart is really set on using the same products you always have, and that’s okay! Change can be hard. Instead, look for refillable packages or if any brands you love have plant-based products. Dawn dish soap, for example, has refillable spray nozzles now! Opting for things that are washable and/or reusable rather than single-use is easier than ever. It may not be perfect, but it’s a start! 

Tracking your sustainable actions with AWorld

The AWorld app makes it easier than ever to start incorporating sustainable habits into your daily routine. One of the hardest parts about becoming more environmentally conscious is deciding where to start. The AWorld app makes that easy by providing you with your own carbon footprint breakdown, plenty of journeys that educate you and suggest habit changes, and showing you how your changes matter. 

Step 1: Download the app from Apple App Store or Google Play.  If you are already a user, logout. 
Step 2: Select “Organization Login”
Step 3: Search “University of Colorado Boulder”
Step 4: Login with your credentials to join the CU team
Step 5: Sign up to participate in challenges offered to the CU community. 

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