Degree | Coloradan Code |
Accounting | Acct |
Advertising | Advert |
African & Middle Eastern Studies | AMESt |
American Studies | AmSt |
Anatomy | Anat |
Anthropology | Anth |
Applied Mathematics | ApMath |
Applied Physics | ApPhys |
Architecture | Arch |
Art | Art |
Art History | ArtHist |
Arts & Sciences | A&S |
Asian Studies | AsianSt |
Astrophysics | AstroPhys |
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | Atmos |
Basic Science | BaSci |
Biology | Bio |
*Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | EBio |
*Environmental, Population & Organismic Biology | EPOBio |
*Molecular, Cellular Developmental Biology | MCDBio |
Biochemistry | Biochem |
Biometrics | Biomet |
Black Studies | BlackSt |
Botany | Btny |
Business | Bus |
*Accounting | Acct |
*Business Analytics | BusAna |
*Executive MBA | ExecMBA |
*Finance | Fin |
*Management | Mgmt |
*Marketing | Mktg |
*Real Estate (One-year master’s degree) | MRelEst |
*Transportation Management | TranMgmt |
*Business Administration (MS) | MBA |
*Business Administration (PhD) | DBA |
*Public Administration | MPubAd |
Business Education | BusEdu |
Central/Eastern European Studies | EurSt |
Chemistry | Chem |
Chinese | Chin |
Classics | Class |
Communication | Comm |
Communication Disorders & Speech Science | CommDisor |
Communication & Theatre | CommThtr |
Computer Science | CompSci |
Computer Science Application | CompSciAp |
Conservation Education | ConEdu |
Creative Technology and Design | CTD |
Creative Writing | Engl |
Critical Media Studies | CritMediaSt |
Dance | Dance |
Distributed Studies | DistSt |
East Asia Studies | EAsianSt |
Eastern European Affairs | Eur |
Economics | Econ |
Education | Edu |
Education Doctorate(pre-1990, after 1990 list PhD) | EdD |
Engineering | Engr |
*Aerospace Engineering | AeroEngr |
*Architectural Engineering | ArchEngr |
*Civil Engineering | CivEngr |
*Chemical Engineering | ChemEngr |
*Chemical and Biological Engineering | ChemBioEngr |
*Electrical Engineering | ElEngr |
*Electrical and Computer Engineering | ElCompEngr |
*Engineering Management | EngrMgmt |
*Engineering Physics | EngrPhys |
*Engineering Plus | EngrPlus |
*Environmental Engineer | EnvEngr |
*Integrated Design Engineering | IntDesEngr |
*Management Entrepreneurship | MgmtEntr |
*Materials Science | MatSci |
*Mechanical Engineer | MechEngr |
English | Engl |
English Language | Engl |
English Literature | Engl |
Environmental Conservation | EnvCon |
Environmental Design | EnvDes |
Environmental Science | EnvSci |
Environmental Studies | EnvSt |
Ethnic Studies | EthnSt |
Film | Film |
Film and Video Arts | FilmVidArt |
Finance | Fin |
Fine Arts (BA) | Art |
Fine Arts (MA) | MFA |
French | Fren |
Geography | Geog |
Geology | Geol |
Geophysics | Geophys |
German | Ger |
Greek | Greek |
History | Hist |
Home Economics | HomeEcon |
Humanities | Hum |
Individual Major | Indiv |
Information Science | InfoSci |
Information Systems | InfSys |
Integrative Physiology | IntPhys |
Interior Design | IntDes |
International Affairs | IntlAf |
International Business | IntBus |
Italian | Ital |
Japanese Language & Literature | Jpn |
Journalism | Jour |
*Advertising | Advert |
*Broadcast News | Jour |
*Critical Media Practices | CritMedia |
*Media Studies | MediaSt |
*News Editorial | Jour |
Kinesiology | Kines |
Latin | Latin |
Latin American Studies | LatAmerSt |
Law, Juris Doctor | Law |
Leadership & Community Engagement | LeadCommEngmt |
Linguistics | Ling |
Marketing | Mktg |
Mathematical Physics | MathPhys |
Mathematics | Math |
Medicine Doctorate | MD |
Medical Technician | MedTech |
Microbiology | Micro |
Museum and Field Studies | MMusFieldSt |
Music | Mus |
*Music Education | MusEdu |
*Masters in Music Education | MMusEdu |
Neuroscience | Neuro |
Nursing | Nurs |
Organization Management | OrgMgmt |
Paleontology | Paleo |
Personnel Management | PerMgmt |
Public Administration (MA) | MPubAd |
Pharmacy | Pharm |
Philosophy | Phil |
Physical Education | PE |
Physical Therapy | PhysTher |
Physics | Phys |
Physiology | Physio |
Planning & Community Development | EnvDes |
Political Science | PolSci |
Portuguese | Portug |
Pre-Law | PreLaw |
Pre-Nursing | PreNurs |
Pre-Medicine | PreMed |
Psychology | Psych |
Public Service | PubSer |
Recreation | Rec |
Religious Studies | RelSt |
Russian | Russ |
Slavic Language & Literature | Slav |
Sociology | Soc |
Social Science | SocSci |
Spanish | Span |
Speech & Drama | SpchDr |
Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences | SLHSci |
Speech Sciences | Spch |
Statistics | Stat |
Tech, Media and Society (ATLAS) | TechMedSoc |
Technology, Arts and Media | TAM |
Telecommunications | TeleCom |
Theatre | Thtr |
Urban Studies | Urban |
Women Studies | WomSt |
Zoology | Zool |
Honorary Degrees | |
Humanities | HonDocHum |
Law | HonDocLaw |
Science | HonDocSci |
Things to Note:
For one degree, list the degree abbreviation then an apostrophe with the year graduated. Ex: Accounting 2000 is (Acct’00).
If someone has two degrees, separate with a comma and put in alphabetical order Ex: a dual psychology and English 2009 major is (Engl, Psych’09)
For degrees that are graduate or doctorate level, an “M” or “PhD” is put in front of the degree. Ex: a master’s in English in 2009 is (MEngl’09)
If someone has an undergraduate and graduate degree or doctorate from CU (any campus), it is also separated with a semicolon and has either a “M” or “PhD” in front of the degree. Ex: Sociology undergraduate 2009, master’s in engineering 2011 (Soc’09; MEngr’11) or if it was a PhD in engineering (Soc’09; PhDEngr’11)
If someone left CU Boulder before graduating, annotate their degree with “ex” and the year they were expected to graduate. Ex: If a student left as a junior in 2012 with a psychology degree and was expected to graduate in 2013, annotate as (Psych ex’13)
If someone got their undergraduate and master’s in the same subject, don’t rewrite the degree. Rather put MA if it was a master of arts or MS if it was a master of science or PhD if it was a doctorate. For example, if someone got their undergraduate and graduate degrees in sociology two years apart, it reads like this: (Soc’09; MA’11). Or if they got their civil engineering undergraduate in 2009 and their doctorate in civil engineering in 2015, it reads (CivEngr’09; PhD’15)