Published: Jan. 21, 2021

By S. Sue McMillan (A&S ex'51) and Paul Levitt (Phil'57; MHist'60)

(Cross Cultural Communications, 240 Pages; 2020)Yana Cover

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With the German occupation and pacification of Belgrade in 1941, an uneasy sense of normalcy replaced the gunfire and the bombings. After weeks of home confinement, Yana Primuz, a sixteen-year-old Serbian girl, defies her mother's orders and slips out of the house to meet her friends, and to flirt with the boys. But a sudden Nazi roundup ensnares her. Shipped in a cattle car to a German work camp, Yana sees in the women's faces around her a reflection of her own terror. But wiping her tears she vows never to give in, to escape, to survive.