Carly Jerla

  • Senior Water Resource Program Manager, Bureau of Reclamation

Carly is the new water resource program manager, to develop updated operating rules for Colorado River reservoirs. The Colorado River sustains ecosystems and economies across the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. A number of operating rules and agreements within the United States and with the Republic of Mexico expire at the end of 2025. This new position will ensure that new operating rules are developed in a thorough and transparent manner – working closely with the seven Colorado River Basin states, twenty-nine tribes, water districts, non-governmental organizations, and users in Mexico that are served by the Colorado River. More about Carly and the new position are available at the Bureau's website.

Carly was an operations research analyst for the Bureau of Reclamation Lower Colorado Region in the Boulder Canyon Operations Office  from 2005 - 2021. Carly lead the region’s research and development of modeling applications and decision support for water operations and planning. She was Reclamation’s Study Manager for the Colorado River Basin Water Supply and Demand Study. She is stationed at CADSWES. Carly obtained BS degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University in 2002. She also earned her MS in Civil Engineering from the University of Colorado in 2005.